The Book of Morgan Le Fey

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Title: The Book of Morgan Le Fey
Author(s): LavenderBrown
Length: 185,426 words (41 chapters)
Genre(s): romance/adventure
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: / FictionAlley / Checkmated

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The Book of Morgan Le Fey is a Harry Potter fanfiction novel by LavenderBrown. It is a Ron/Hermione story and has a sequel called The Final Reckoning.

The story was a runner-up in the category "Best Ron Fic" in the second round of the Multifaceted Awards in June 2005.


The problem with much of Harry Potter fic is that they cover either a ship (most common) or a plotted adventure (less so). The Book of Morgan Le Fey manages to do both, and in spectacular fashion. And it's told from Ron's POV! As he falls more in love with Hermione, he must first win the girl, then figure out how to do things from there -- without flunking classes, getting killed by Death Eaters or Dementors, or going completely mental in the process. Ron and Hermione are both beautifully portrayed, Ginny and Harry are both rock solid (and not involved in this one), Neville is wonderful, you'll love the new Dark Arts professor, and Luna is not what you'd expect, really. A truly excellent sixth-year outing; the action is well-plotted, tight and suspenseful, the relationships are funny, sweet, mature and realistic (yes, all 16-year-old boys are obsessed with sex), and the writing is simply excellent. Outstanding, one of the strongest HP fics I've read anywhere. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the equally fabulous sequel...[1]

Written before the release of the sixth book, lavenderbrown created a wonderful now Alternate Universe fanfic. Begining in the summer between the fifth and sixth years, and with Ron's actue notice of how much Hormione has changed, the fic continues into the sixth year with all the drama of classes and the Voldermort trobles that should be included in a good HP fanfic. Along with the romance between Ron and Hermione, Harry also gets involved with a fellow sixth year, Susan Bones. A dramatic story with lots of action, drama, romance and all those things that make me smile whilst reading a good story. Also with an intruguing and humorous involvement of Loony, I mean Luna Lovegood.[2]

The story along with its sequel was covered in Episodes 68-72 of the PotterFicWeekly podcast.[3]


  1. ^ seanachais. fanfic links: harry potter. Updated 04/24/2010. (Accessed 04 May 2011.)
  2. ^ "Harry Potter review". Archived from the original on 2023-03-13.
  3. ^ Ryan at PotterFicWeekly. Episode 68 – Ron’s oozing banana on Kezza, and Susan is a communist drug addict with wings. 20 January 2009. (Accessed 04 May 2011.)