The Best Part of Breaking Up

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Title: The Best Part of Breaking Up
Author(s): girl_wonder
Date(s): December 3rd, 2009
Length: 1797 words
Genre(s): Speculative
Fandom(s): Barbie
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The Best Part of Breaking Up is a gen fic in the Barbie (Toys) tag on AO3, and is the earliest example of Barbie fanfiction on the archive. It is a Ken/Blaine fic, presumably written about the characters as they appeared in Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse. The fic takes its name from the song "Best Part of Breaking Up" by Shana, from her 1989 album "I Want You".

Summary & Author's Notes

Ken thinks that it's his hair.

So, yes. I am a bad, bad person. And also, apparently on crack.
But really how could I not?

Thanks for reading! If you want to keep in touch, you can find me here:

email: fryadvocate at gmail dot com
Tumblr: fryadvocate
twitter: @kaibutlerauthor

my original stuff:


The fic details Ken's perspective after a breakup with Barbie. Characters are clearly described as dolls, with plastic bodies and limited articulation. Characters are also described as having a limited range of facial motion.

Back then it was simple, they'd drive out to the beach in his car and she'd tilt until her head almost touched his shoulder and then bend her head to a seventy degree angle so that it touched his shoulder.

Ken goes about his day, meeting old mutual friends of his and Barbie's, plus some her siblings who are employed at a coffee shop. Many of the people he interacts with attempt to convince him to accept his sexuality, especially Barbie, who recalls a brief affair Ken had with Allen while she was off touring with the Sensations. The next morning, Blaine visits Ken, and the scene fades to black, with the end of the fic implying they'll see each other again.


The fic sits, as of 2021, at 696 hits, 28 kudos, and two comments, which is reasonable given both its age, and the fannish habits on AO3 at the time.