Taking the Credit

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Title: Taking the Credit
Author(s): Unsentimental Fool
Date(s): September 2015
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Taking the Credit

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Taking the Credit is a Avon/Blake story by Unsentimental Fool.

The story was published in September 2015 by Aralias in Pride and Prejudice, a Blake's 7 zine.

Reactions and Reviews

i really really like this - so glad you decided to write a PWB. there aren't enough of them anyway, and there aren't enough really good ones (particularly AUs, because i tend to think they DIDNT meet before the show, so an AU is much more plausible), and this is awesome. it's a very unusual PWB as well - i love all the details about how avon's pulling off the con (most of it not being the theft, but getting away with it - something he obviously failed to do in canon) - and i also really like blake being able to find him through particularly good googling etc. also - this set of lines:

You’re not the only supercriminal in this flat, you know.”/“I’m the only one who hasn’t got caught,”

i love how strongly the plot arc unfolds - avon wants someone to understand what he's done but can't possibly risk it/blake shows up and (which is more) works it out, avon can't rely on anyone/avon has to rely on blake, avon wants to live in luxury with fame and horses/blake won't marry him (how lovely that avon wants to marry him even though he doesn't even realise it until they are away - and then he's REALLY disappointed about it) so he's like - ok, i guess i'll do revolution. it all slots together - and they got away with all the money, and it does help, but not in the way that avon thought. also, i do just love the idea of avon wanting to ride a horse even though he's never seen one (presumably) and has no idea whether he really wants to ride a horse. because basically - he has no idea what he really wants. you consistently write a very good avon who doesn't know what he wants - it's always convincing and interesting. i like, too, that he seems to have no idea what blake wants either - and is quite surprised at repeated evidence of this.

excellent dialogue as always, particularly right at the beginning where avon thinks he's giving away nothing and blake still works out that a) avon fancies him b) avon did it.

v good stuff. definitely one of my favourites of yours :)[1]

This is a fun, well-worked-out, unusual heist fic--I could stand to see more heist fics in this fandom? You'd think we'd be swimming in them, but not so much. It's a tiny detail, but I <3 the idea of Nordic Banking World. I do hope they buy Blake good, non-affiliated therapy to get his memories back et al., and am amused by the idea of Avon having to deal with full-throttle Blake, who he will probably simultaneously find more attractive and way, way more of a hassle. (Though I really like Blake's flickers of extreme competence working through the conditioning.) And I like Avon grumping at the conference about people being mean to him/not getting his GENIUS PLAN yet/the sheets being cold sans his overqualified-bedwarmer.[2]

Really enjoyed this. I was hoping that Avon would take Blake with him when he skipped town, but you made it an even better ending with him deciding to help Blake with the Cause. Loved all the bank heist stuff; you make it sound so plausible (it possibly is!), but then you make even the implausible sound plausible in just about everything you write.[3]

This fic made me SO happy. I love that Avon kept getting caught of guard and wrong footed but that everything went so well for him in the end. I enjoyed the detailed heist plot immensely as well as all of the awkwardness between Blake and Avon. One of my favorite moments:

“Do you actually take sugar?”

“No,” Blake said, without raising his eyes from the screen.

“I thought not. Here.”

I loved all of the glimpses of the scorching hot sex, and the ending was so great that I actually read it out loud to my boyfriend! [4]

This being an AU caught me off-guard (for some reason I was expecting everything to resolve back into canon somehow by the end). I really like the idea of Avon accidentally bringing Blake upon himself with his thieving, and then having to deal with how to get rid of him/keep him forever. The ending with Avon getting the escape he always dreamed of and then giving it up in an instant for Blake is great (but still commissions a decadent ship love nest)[5]


  1. ^ comments by aralias at AO3
  2. ^ comments by x_pos at AO3
  3. ^ comments by jadey36 at AO3
  4. ^ comments by elviaprose at AO3
  5. ^ comments clocketpatch by at AO3