Tabula Rasa (J2 story)

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Title: Tabula Rasa
Author(s): obstinatrix (Author Spotlight: obstinatrix, Archived version)
Date(s): 2012
Length: ~10,000 words
Genre(s): AU
Fandom(s): J2
External Links:
LJ link to story

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Tabula Rasa is a J2 AU story by obstinatrix written for the spn_illuminated challenge and was inspired by fan art by petite madame.

Summary: In Reykjavik, there lived a boy whose back was a looking glass into the future, whose skin had begun to manifest portents in ink when he was seven years old.


"Incandescent is a perfect word to end this story on, because that's what I'm going to be all day now, incandescent with love and joy and more than a little arousal. You are perfect. The way you do desire, the way you create supporting characters, the way you draw people in with a plot hook... nngh forever. Je t'adore and aishiteru, and if I knew the Icelandic version I'd surely say that one too."[1]

"Really beautiful story! I felt aspects of Bradbury's The Illustrated Man infusing this. Gorgeous imagery, and also the period setting really lent itself to the rich texture of the story. LOVED Jared and Jensen coming together, and not just in the really hot way (although it was in fact really hot!). It was just so lovely between them, and the sex was simply part of that. Kudos on such a fabulous piece!"[2]

"Yaaaaay, oh my goodness, this was lovely!! <33 I love the creativity of the AU and your characterizations. It was just wonderful! :) Loved the tension as their relationship developed too. Fantastic work!"[3]

"Both the fic and the art are very lavish and stylized and they work gorgeously together, it's a really good fit. Great worldbuilding."[4]


smallworld_inc - Art Post - Tabula Rasa, Archived version

"Hooooooly crap THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! Everything is really really gorgeous! The poster art feels so intimate and the decorations are very intricate, as are the header and dividers. I am in awe of your skills and diligence! ... The comic, every page of it, is so beautiful in all the warm colors and details and I can't find any word that can do it justice!...Man this needs to be a real comic XD XD You, are too good to be true ...Great work, dear!"[5]

"These are beautiful! i especially love the art nouveau style of the banners and the first pic, and the kind of hazy dreamlike coloring of the comic pages."[6]

"My stars! Your artwork always knocks my socks off!

The beautiful, vulnerable curve of Jensen's back is just amazing!

Thank you for lending your considerable talent to this enchanting story."[7]
