Sweeter Dreams

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Title: Sweeter Dreams
Author(s): Tierfal
Date(s): 23 July 2010
Length: 35,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: Sweeter Dreams (Livejournal)
Sweeter Dreams (AO3)
Podfic cover by yue_ix

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Sweeter Dreams is a Merlin/Arthur story by Tierfal (~35,000 words). It was written for helva2260 who bid on the author at help_haiti.

Summary: Following a rather different ending to 2.10 ("Sweet Dreams"), Merlin and Arthur head to Olaf's kingdom of Valden to put things right. In the process, Merlin racks up an impressive series of treasonous crimes: insolence, incompetence, tripping while running for his life, and accusing the crown prince of snoring are only the beginning.

The story is an episode tag where Merlin and Arthur try to break the love spell that caused Vivian, the daughter of the visiting king Olaf, to fall madly in love with Arthur. For that they need to find her true love and they can only do so at king Olaf's court without Vivian being aware that they are there. They enlist the help of some OCs who may or may not have their own agenda and they have to fight off Trickler, who returns to Valden to take revenge. They also find out that it wasn't really Gwen who broke the spell for Arthur and that the feelings Merlin and Arthur have for each other fit the description of true love.

yue_ix made a Sweeter Dreams podfic cover for The Podfic Big Bang.[1] The podfic itself, however, was sadly never posted.

Reactions and Reviews

I always felt bad for Vivian’s character after the 2x10 episode and this fic offers a great resolution to that![2]
