Survivor's Guilt

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Title: Survivor's Guilt
Author(s): LaughingSenselessly
Date(s): 2016
Length: 102, 671 words
Genre(s): Het, Futurefic
Fandom(s): The 100
Relationship(s): Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
External Links: FFN
Cover art by bellarkeficrecs (2021)

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Survivor's Guilt by LaughingSenselessly is a story in The 100 fandom, focused on the pairing of Bellarke. It won "Best Future Fiction" at the 2016 Bellarke Fanfiction Awards.

Reactions and Reviews

What is a fic rec post without Survivor’s Guilt? Bellamy and Clarke are the only Sky People left, and after honouring everyone they’ve lost at the dropship, they set out together. The ending they (and we) deserve.[1]

Having read nearly every The 100 fanfic out there a few months ago, I cycled back through recently to see what new additions there were on AO3. Lo and behold, I discovered this gem that tugged at my heartstrings and made me ever so glad that I fell for this beautiful ship. In a twist of fate, all of the Sky People die from one thing or another, leaving Clarke and Bellamy alone. The last of their people, they have to depend on each other as they mourn, survive, try to start anew, and seek something to live for. And of course, there is a healthy dosage of smut because, hey, if they have babies, then they aren’t the last of the Sky People, now are they? Good excuse for Bellarke sex, if you ask me.[2]

Odds are you’ve heard of this one because - let’s be real - it’s essentially the holy grail of Bellarke fanfic. But, nonetheless, I’ll still recommend it because this is probably the single best canonverse fic I’ve read. Like, ever. It was completed awhile ago now, but it still holds up amazingly well and I’ve read it start to finish two times now and it was STILL incredible the second time around. This fic should be required reading in the Bellarke fandom, I’m not even kidding.[3]

This is honestly a classic, a Bellarke bible if you will. It’s a must read for anyone who loves Bellarke, this is canon-ish, and there’s everything in it. Angst, some fluff (not a lot, but still), smut, etc. It’s amazing and I don’t even know what else to say, so just go and read it please, lol.[4]

Do you want to cry and fangirl? Of course you do. This future fic is absolutely incredible and heartbreaking and until the show proves me otherwise I consider this canon. It’s funny and heart wrenching and romantic and gah it’s just everything you want out of a future fic for this show[5]

it’s a long canon universe, future fic with a lot of explicit sexual content and angst, if that’s something you enjoy[6]

definitely my favorite bellarke fic; it’s the one i keep returning to. it’s so well-written and breeds so much nostalgia.[7]

Firstly, it’s just a classic Bellarke fic, don’t @ me.  Secondly, it’s so sad and heartwarming and heartbreaking and stressful and action packed. It explores isolation (isolation? In Talis’s fic recs? It’s more likely than you think) and complex emotional themes and also throws in some fun and cutesy scenes and a smattering (or rather, a massive heaping dollop) of Bellarke sexual tension. There’s Bellarke and smut and grounders and smut and violence and smut and gorilla fighting pits and smut. I love it SO MUCH.[8]

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