Sting in the Tail

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Title: Sting in the Tail
Author(s): Suzie_Shooter
Date(s): 28 August 2020 - 22 September 2020
Length: 20,983 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Alex Rider
External Links: Sting in the Tail (AO3)

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Sting in the Tail is a Yassen/Alex story by Suzie_Shooter.


MI6 have Yassen in prison, and when they need him to undertake a mission for them they realise Alex is the only person who might persuade him to agree. But MI6 have ways of ensuring Yassen doesn’t use his temporary freedom to escape, and when Alex gets pulled into the mission itself he discovers it’s a race against time to save not only the world but Yassen himself.

Recs and Reviews

With the world hanging in the balance, MI6 presses an imprisoned Yassen into service. They use Alex to convince him, but also a nasty “sting in the tail” incentive to guarantee results. A thrilling Yalex mission!fic where Yassen and Alex forge their trust in each other by facing mortal danger and saving the world together. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, eating up the slow burn and wondering how on earth they were going to succeed with all the obstacles Scorpia and MI6 threw in their way.[1]

Alex Rider Ship Week


  1. ^ "AR Ship Week - Fanwork Recs". Archived from the original on 2022-05-04.