Step out into the sun

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Title: step out into the sun
Author(s): plutos
Date(s): 2016
Length: 71,365 words
Genre(s): Accidental Marriage, Slash
Fandom(s): Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy
External Links: AO3

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step out into the sun by plutos is an accidental marriage story in Star Wars fandom, focused on the pairing of FinnPoe.


“I gotta talk to you, buddy, real quick,” Poe says lowly, and grabs Finn’s hand to haul him back out of the mess hall. His pilot friends cheer loudly, Karé yelling something about keeping it decent, and Finn barely has a second to process it before Poe’s yanking him away and into a deserted side corridor.

“I can explain,” he says quickly, running his spare hand through his hair.

“Well good,” Finn snaps hotly, “Because I’ve had a really fucking weird day.” _____________________________

Otherwise known as: Finn Is An Oblivious Numbskull, or: the one where Finn gets a name, a jacket, a droid, and a marriage out of nowhere in only a few short weeks

Reactions and Reviews

This fic takes place just after the events of The Force Awakens, and I’ve gotta say that this is one of the first Stormpilot fics I ever read, and it remains my favorite. Why? Well, it’s got it all. Pining/fake marriage/schmoopy hand holding/ENOUGH EYE F**KING TO SATISFY THE DEEPEST SHIPPER CRAVING. That aside, it’s also well-written, well characterized, and has just enough plot to keep you flipping through the chapters. I re-read it this morning in one go and it still makes me deliriously happy.[1]

Finn is trying to learn to be a person, and make decisions, and have a purpose in life. Poe is trying to be a friend, and support, and help the best he can. Also, Finn wears Poe’s clothes, spends all his free time with him, and when he’s asked to come up with a surname, gives Finn Dameron as his name. Aka everyone is slowly fooled into thinking these two dumbasses are married. Also features adorable Finn and Poe, adorable baby bots, and generally everything is cute as fuck.[2]

This is probably the best ‘Accidental marriage’ trope fic I’ve ever read. All the characters in this fic shipped them before they even realized they like each other its hilarious.[3]

The best slow burn and fake marriage trope I ever read[4]

step out into the sun

—the other finnpoe bible
—so so so good literally the best

—by plutos on ao3[5]

Accidental marriage and lots of pining; it's a lot fluffier and less plotty than most of the other fics here, but I love it and it still has a lot going on.[6]

lord help me I love accidental/fake marriage fics so much and this one is excellent[7]

If you love tropey goodness and slow burns, this is the fic for you! Finn chooses "Dameron" for his last name on the paperwork, because what other names does he know, and he wears Poe's clothes because he doesn't have any of his own, and people make assumptions. Meanwhile, Poe is pining and Finn is oblivious. It's gorgeous and fun.[8]
