Stay (Hanson story)

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Title: Stay
Author(s): Pamella
Date(s): 1998ish
Length: 29 chapters
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Stay

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Stay is an unfinished Hanson fanfic written by Pamella, hosted by Myra on her website Hanson… the Muse, the Music and the Memories.

The story focuses on an older (for the time) Taylor and his troubled relationship with the girl next door.

Reactions and Reviews

An author’s note at the end suggests that the story isn’t finished, but it ends on a perfect note that should be the end. What I expected to be a typical teenybopper attempt at an adult story is actually quite a good read. And the sex? It wasn’t gratuitous at all.[1]

These were sort of the standouts of the newly sexy Hanson. They were no longer young boys, they were becoming men and Hanfic authors were taking notice.[2]

I wish all hanfanfic was this well-written.[3]


Stay won awards in the Hanfic Awards, Hanson Fan Fiction Awards, Hanson Story Awards and Really Big Hanson Fanfic Awards. It is featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame, as well as the Hanson Story Database top 50.
