Snow Ride

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Title: Snow Ride
Author(s): Caroline Dare
Date(s): 1992
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Snow Ride is a Avon/Blake story by Caroline Dare.

It was published in It's Greek to Me.

Reactions and Reviews

This was my favourite story in the multimedia 'zine It's Greek to Me. It's a wildly unrealistic story about Avon going off in a huff on a frozen planet, being screwed on horseback on the way back, being treated for frostbite by a doctor, and then being taken to bed and fucked senseless. She really likes to write about multiple orgasms, which is sometimes difficult if you're writing m/m slash, and she's throwing realism to the four winds and writing it anyway. If your lust for a hot PWP can likewise temporarily overcome your pleasure in a touch of reality, go and read it. Please note: I like to write what my beta reader tells me are a somewhat unreasonable number of orgasms into my slash stories, but I either let the chaps have a bit of a sleep between rounds or invent some wonderful sf trick (aphrodisiac or futuristic sex-toy) which allows them to keep going for ages. Also, three-in-a-night is more believable than eight.[1]

h/c of a hypothermic Avon. Brilliant image of sex on back of a galloping greathorse, oh yes. But again, voices and dialogue all wrong for (my idea of) Blakes 7. I even found myself thinking 'I'd like this a lot more if it were some other space/scifi universe... hmm, this would work for Star Wars...[2]


  1. ^ 2006 comments by Predatrix
  2. ^ from moonlightmead on December 7, 2011 at Discovered in a Livejournal, Archived version