Snapshots (Starsky & Hutch story)

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Title: Snapshots
Author(s): Morgan Dawn
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here
and here

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Snapshots is a slash Starsky and Hutch story by Morgan Dawn. It was originally published in the zine Concupiscence #4.

In it, Hutch is back on heroin, and he has to make a choice.

The story was written partially in reaction to the 1990s shift away from realistic and gritty Starsky & Hutch fan fiction.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

God this was heart wrenching, bitter and cold and real feeling. Well done, detailed and depressing, but a clear view of what it is like to have to deal with addiction from both sides. [1]

Morgan Dawn's Snapshots bears the following warning: "This story involves intense emotional conflicts and deals with drugs and their after effects." It's here on my recs page because it's powerful and marvelously written. [2]


More depressing than death. [3]

Like "The Pillory" in NO HOLDS BARRED #6, I read it once, and don't ever need to read it again. I think the common theme is the loss without any compensating gain. It's one thing to die for something, but that's not what happens in either of the stories. [4]

Sometime back, I think I did a review of CONCUP. 4, but I left out one story because I was previously warned it was *very* depressing and at that time, I was not willing to deal with it. The story was "Snapshots" by Morgan Dawn, a S&H story that I have since read. First of all, I would like to say that it was a very well done piece, but it was also very depressing. But while discussing it with a friend recently something suddenly occurred to me: This is perhaps the *only* truly depressing S/H story I've ever read! And I think that this phenomenon must be restricted to S/H fandom, since I can't think of a single one I've been in that's the same. And there are plenty of stories that in any other fandom would be depressing, but are for several reasons,

for me at least, not. Let me give you examples.

There are quite a few stories that end unhappily, but a vast majority of these are "let's try to explain why they treat each other like shit in fourth season" stories. These consist of stories where they: argue; one of them is in love with the other who doesn't know it; one is in love/sexually attracted to the other, but the other doesn't reciprocate (or doesn't want to acknowledge); they are both in love/sexually attracted to each other, but neither wants any part of it; they are both in love/sexually attracted to each other and they have consumated it, but they are still screwing women, etc. These are basic plotlines in, not just S/H, but most other slash fandoms. However, most of the time, the story either ends with the two of them making up (and out). Or, it has a more ambiguous ending, but you know that, since this is just a way to explain fourth season, a year from now, Starsky and Hutch will be cuddled together in bed after Starsky's been shot. (You can apply all the Kira stories into this scenario, as well.)

As for death stories, I think that this is also one of the only fandoms where they are consistently not that depressing. Most S/H death stories follow one of two paths: They go out together ala Butch and Sundance or they go out separately (incredible leap of logic, no? Follow). In either case there is usually a very Ghost and Mrs. Muir kinda feel to these stories. The idea that, whether they go together or fifty years apart, there is a sort of unity. They'll always be together in the Hereafter, if not here. Sappy idea, I know, and it depends on you believing in a Hereafter (which I do), but I like it (probably because I do).

This is something that's just occurred to me recently, once I read the story. Anyone else have any thoughts? [5]


Darkfic Rating: Cafe noir. This is the one S&H story that I always think of when someone mentions that fandom. Excellent imagery and a lot of desperation. [6]


Made me unhappy. Not one I want to reread. Well written enough to wring my emotions. [7]


There are a lot of fics that deal with the fall-out from "The Fix", the episode where Hutch gets shot up with heroin. Hutch isn't the passive victim here--he's making bad choices and the consequences threaten to destroy both him and Starsky. This story shows partners being dragged down by what they don't say to each other, by the fact that things have changed and neither wants to admit it. Each of them is waiting for the other to do something. It's not a happy story, but it's a painfully honest take on a "what if" that's rarely explored in addiction stories. [8]

I love this story because it leaves you wrenched at the end. Starsky does the only thing he can to save his partner...he walks away. And the sunglasses blocking out eye contact just seals it. [9]

It really is a great story - no happy ending for the boys this time. [10]


You took a nightmare and gave it terrible beauty. Gorgeous writing that just wrenches the tears out. Wow. [11]

That's wonderful. OH GOD I LOVE THEM. Oh. "Too many years on the street led him to the obvious hiding place. As Starsky glared at the needle, the spoon, and the small white bag, he felt insulted."I love that bit, and . . . oh just all of it, it's brilliant and all the emotions are just right and the not being able to joke about the mess and the food any more and the sunglasses! And everything. Yes. [12]

God this story just tears my heart to shreds. Itty bitty bloody ones. Nicely done. [13]


  1. ^ private feedback sent to the author
  2. ^ from jat sapphire at Starsky and Hutch Fanfic Recommendations
  3. ^ comment by Michelle Christian after reading the story on her way back home from Escapade where the zine premiered
  4. ^ Jan Levine posting to the Virgule-L mailing list in September 1995, quoted with permission
  5. ^ September 12, 1995, Michelle Christian, Virgule-L, quoted with permission
  6. ^ Darkfic recs, November 2000, laura jv
  7. ^ from Venice Place Mailing List, quoted anonymously (July 24, 2001)
  8. ^ crackvan rec Snapshots by Morgan Dawn by laceymcbain, dated Jan 2, 2005; WebCite
  9. ^ comment at Crack Van, 2005; WebCite
  10. ^ comment at Crack Van, 2005; WebCite
  11. ^ comment by callistosh65 at LJ post
  12. ^ comment by jekesta at LJ post
  13. ^ comment by morgan logan at LJ post