Sledgehammer of the Gods

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Title: Sledgehammer of the Gods
Author(s): Lisa Marie DeCarolis
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Led Zeppelin
External Links: online here

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Sledgehammer of the Gods is a 1995 Led Zeppelin story by Lisa Marie DeCarolis.

Author's Summary

"What do rock and rollers do when they're sick of the biz? Well, of course, they hit the mean streets of New York City to stamp out crime. That's what Robert Plant and Jimmy Page did, and they became the hottest crime fighting duo in the history of New York City justice.

Here is their story."


"I wrote this for [ Megan Kent ], Sandy Hereld, and Pamela Rose. Love you guys!" [1]


"'Sledgehammer of the Gods' was conceived and written entirely for the entertainment of a select group of veteran Zeppelin/Jimmy/Robert fans. The events and dialogue described herein have never taken place. This story is totally and completely fictitious!" [2]
