Sins of the Father (Quantum Leap story)

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Title: Sins of the Father
Author(s): Katriena R. Knights
Date(s): 30 Apr 1993
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
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Sins of the Father is a gen Quantum Leap story written by Katriena R. Knights.

It was posted to in 1993.


Sam leaps into an abused wife. [1]

Author's Notes

Just a couple of quick notes to intro this story.

Firstly, it was written before the airing of "Liberation," so there are a couple of minor things that were "outdated" by that episode. Just assume it happened sometime before that episode -- maybe sometime fourth season.

Secondly, any comments are welcome. This is, in a lot of ways, still a work in progress, as I am not 100% pleased with it. Problem is, I'm not sure why. So let me know what you think.

And keep those cards and letters inundating NBC!! [2]


Reactions and Reviews

Not for the fainthearted. Sam leaps into a battered wife called Laura Cole and has to undergo some nasty physical violence from her huge husband, Michael. Sam has to balance his options very carefully, because there's a good chance Michael will start on his daughter Kelly very soon if Sam gets it wrong. Hankies probably required, especially if you're a hurt/comfort type like me. Sam crying into his pillow....*sob*. Oh, poor sweetie..... [3]


  1. ^ from ql-archive
  2. ^ from ql-archive
  3. ^ by Philippa Chapman at Fanfic reviews? (August 19, 1998)