Shooting Star (X-Files story)

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Title: Shooting Star
Author(s): Jenna Tooms
Date(s): November 2nd, 2016 (Gossamer), April 8, 2000 (xphilefic (?) )
Length: 201K / word count: 150,000+
Genre(s): MSR (NC-17), Angst, post-XF
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Shooting Star, Archived version

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Shooting Star is a four-part MSR X-Files story by Jenna Tooms.

Synopsis: Seventeen years ago, Mulder disappeared. Reunited after all this time, Mulder and Scully struggle to make themselves the family they should have been.

Reactions and Reviews

We here at Fic Chicks have a serious kink for damsel in distress Mulder. It was pretty rare that Scully played the role of Knight in Shining Armor, coming to rescue Mulder when he needed her most. Usually it was the other way around, especially in regards to fic. Today’s story takes that trope and practically injects it with steroids, giving us a monster of a Hurt!Mulder storyline, and it’s freaking glorious. The writing is crisp and to the point, with Jenna Tooms saving most of the flowery stuff for other stories, giving us a novel length fic that’s an incredibly easy but entertaining read. Add this one to your queue, philes. You’ll be sorry if you don’t. [1]
