Sharing the Flames

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Sharing the Flames
Author(s): Kate Singer
Date(s): January 1994
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Sharing the Flames is a Star Trek: TOS Kirk/Spock story by Kate Singer.

It was published in the print zine No Greater Love.


"Kirk discovers the reason for Spock's uncharacteristic behavior towards Droxine when they return to the ship and he insists on seeing Spock in the Vulcan's cabin."

Reactions and Reviews

In poetic, evocative language the author spins 3 first-time pon farr story that is appropriately named. It fairly sears the page with one of the hottest sex scenes I've read in a while, (The description of Kirk's you-know-what brushing the hem of Spock's blue velour tunic has got to be one of the sexiest tactile images ever!) The scene is remarkable because it's fast paced, sexy, and at the same time intellectual and introspective. A very nice interpretation of the bonding concept. But the story is too short. Kirk remembers that he has been feeling strange for about a week before he realizes Spock's in pon farr. I would rather have seen some examples of these events first, allowing the reader to discover, along with Kirk, what's really happening. It would have built tension and anticipation before the payoff, which is very well done. The entire story has a rushed feeling, as though it's the shorthand version of a novella or novel. A technical glitch: The story is mostly from Kirk's point of view with a few slips into Spock's thoughts. I don't think that technique works in a story this short, though certainly that sort of viewpoint error is a staple in K/S writing. If a story this short is going to be told from two viewpoints, both viewpoints should be introduced in the first few paragraphs. In this story, the sudden viewpoint shift is distracting, especially as we don't get to see much at all from Spock's POV. [1]

I really strongly loved this story. After Stratos and Droxine, Kirk thinks Spock might be in pon farr again, and indeed he is. This is written really well. Kirk's perceptiveness about Spock. and his concern.

Our first hint of Spock's feelings for Kirk: the onset of pon farr is more rapid when Jim is near...

Knowing there is nothing for Spock on Vulcan, Kirk mentions Droxine. Spock is adamant: She is "only a substitute for the one for whom my mind cries, my blood burns." Fine, fine intensity; exquisitely wonderful scene, Spock begging Kirk to leave him. I love Kirk's "I'm not afraid of you," and Spock's "You should be." Wow, to say the least. Spock is now beyond rational thought; and Kirk has waited too late to leave. Absolutely great moments; Spock's menacing aura; Kirk's arousal by the danger Oh god.

Spock had been shielding their link. He threw his mind open "until the embers of their natural link stirred to flame." Beautiful. Kirk realizes his mind had been responding to its natural mate. (He had been restless recently, unnamed longings.") ...

I love the shared pon farr, the mutual hunger.

I love the loud, vocal sex. And both cry. I love this very much. Gave me chills. Then. Kirk panics for a moment at the need for a surrender seemingly too great for him to handle. Really, really good intense sex, this is so excellent I can't say. Kirk struggles, then gives up the struggle. Afterwards, both feel wretched. Kirk apologizes for struggling, as he had agreed not to. Spock had withdrawn the link instead of bonding at the crucial moment, leaving Kirk with just the wild, raw sexual experience, too much for him without the balm of the link. It seems Spock is speaking too coherently here, although they are absolutely wonderful words about how the link-meld-bond works.

Then, Kirk says YES to the bond. Beautiful. The bonding is exouisite (clutching my heart). Gloriously gorgeous sex. I love Spock's trustingly dozing in Kirk's arms. Kirk felt this to be even more intimate than sex. I love Kirk's awareness of their differences; and his joy at having inadvertently stumbled upon his life-long (and beyond) happiness. (I don't think parentheses should be used in fiction.)

Lovely, lovely story. Strongly beautifully emotional, and really excellent mind-stuff. [2]

Story starts right after the episode "The Cloud Minders" and Spock is going into Pon Farr. I've been waiting for a good explanation such as this where Kirk reasons Spock's behavior with Droxine. It really made sense of something that has always bothered me. It was eminently satisfying.

Then when Kirk asks "How much time do we have left Spock?", I liked that he used the term: "we".

Really strong, electric scene in Spock's quarters as Kirk confronts him about Pon Farr. I loved it when Spock grabbed Kirk's arm and growled, then suddenly turned away, horrified. Excellent tension.

So neat when Kirk asks "Why must I go. Spock?'" Also, I enjoyed the references to "Amok Time" as Kirk thinks about how he couldn't away from Spock after all that had happened before.

Oh boy-"Hot eyes figuratively burned the clothes from Kirk's body as they swept him..."

The resulting seduction is P.D.S. [3] I love this powerful, fever crazed Spock and Kirk who is willing and who understands Spock's need despite his fears. Really good, strong scene with a great idea of the Vulcan "sharing the flame" that occurs between two warrior mates. Neat, neat, neat.

Good use of Vulcan terminology and concepts and especially nice is the use of the word "revealed" for Kirk being naked.

Spock endures the dilemma of his torn emotional life in a solid, well-written scene and their eventual pledge to each other in a charming manner. [4]


  1. ^ from Come Together #6
  2. ^ from Come Together #6
  3. ^ Pretty Darn Sexy
  4. ^ from Come Together #5