Sex and Sensibility: An (Im)Morality Tale

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Title: Sex and Sensibility: An (Im)Morality Tale
Author(s): W.K.D. Ways
Date(s): November 1994
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Sex and Sensibility: An (Im)Morality Tale is a Blake's 7 Vila/everyone, Cally/Avon/Dayna/Tarrant story by W.K.D. Ways.

It was published in Southern Comfort #8.5.

Reactions and Reviews

Another not-orgy, except for the end which is. This is basically silliness and an excuse to have Vila sex everyone. It's made slightly weird because we bring up class heavily (Vila thinks he is different from the others because he's a Delta, they think so too, but if they actually talked they'd realise they were not at all different) - but a lot of Vila ship fics seem to be about class. And there are a lot of good fics like that. Anyway, this is fine. But the orgy part is very brief. Don't expect much of one.[1]
