Serve and Protect

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Title: To Protect and Serve
Author(s): Lucy Cribb
Date(s): October 2003
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: Serve and Protect and here

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Serve and Protect is a 2003 slash Starsky & Hutch story by Lucy Cribb.

It was published in Dangerous Lives, Dangerous Visions #2.


From the zine:

It's 1985 and Starsky is about to be promoted to Dobey's old position as Captain as Dobey retires. Hutch, a lieutenant, is studying forensics and working towards a transfer. The boys have been long-time, live-in lovers. Both of them have worked hard for this moment, but Hutch has worked the hardest and traded in the most. After Gunther, there was yet one more close call when Starsky had again been seriously wounded. It had been a turning point for them. Hutch couldn't bear the thought that this might ever happen again and was willing to do anything to ensure Starsky would never again be in the line of fire. His plans have worked, and now Starsky will be Captain and forever off the streets. But Starsky's first ambition, upon getting the promotion, is to bring to ground one of his oldest enemies, Matt Coyle. But Matt Coyle has his own plans in action, and yet another rabbit he can pull out of his hat. How does Hutch fit into all of this?

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

I debated about [reccing] including this one, as it features Hutch acting in a way that is utterly understandable yet morally questionable. I suppose it's time for a confession--I love stories where my pairing is at odds, with one blaming the other rather harshly for something the other did either innocently or unknowingly. The only thing is I tend to prefer that interaction to occur in a certain way. For example, I adore stories where Hutch, Doyle (Pros) or Blair (TS) are either unfairly or unjustly accused by their partners, but don't enjoy it nearly as much when those characters become the accuser. All of this is a long drawn out way of saying that this story, set post-series, satisfies for me this particular kink. Hutch strikes a deal to keep Starsky safe that Starsky views as betrayal. Angry and hurt, Starsky lashes out, resisting all Hutch's attempts at reconciliation and basically punishing the blond for what he has done. Starsky bitterly regrets his actions, however, when Hutch is injured and his life hangs in the balance. All at once, Starsky realizes how tempting a bargain with the devil might be. Awesome story. [1]


"To Protect and Serve" is an incredibly complex and nuanced story obviously produced by someone with deep compassion and understanding of the human condition. And one hell of a writer. [2]


  1. ^ from Ten Starsky & Hutch Stories I'd Suggest Any Newbie Begin With
  2. ^ from Kate Lyle, quoted with permission Facebook (May 2022)