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Title: Seconds
Author(s): Tiramisu
Date(s): 2001 or before - ?
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Seconds, link for part 2 at the bottom (Tiramisu & Kamino's X-Files)
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Seconds is a Mulder/Krycek series by Tiramisu.

Summary: An eight-part tale of the eighth season.

Recs and Reviews

You are going to just love me, you really are. For I have here for you an utterly fabulous brand spanking new M/K fic. Until just a couple of days ago I had never heard of it, nor had I heard anyone else talking about it. If you haven't read this one you should, it's only up to a few parts right now but shows a great deal of promise. I found the link to Tiramisu & Kamio's site when I was browsing the Slash Page Database Project, a few days ago. In the listing she stated that she had some M/K fics, I had never heard of her so I thought I'd go check out those fics. I'm glad I did. I was not disappointed. She is the first author I have seen who really decided to take on season 8 and rewrite it the way that it should have been. She does it in a way that is believable and follows certain events just enough fits. She doesn't go way out there, to a level where things aren't believable. She manages to keep it close to the show just enough that you can see how the whole DeadAlive scenario should have went. It's only up to part 3 as I'm writing this, but she said she would have part 4 up soon if all goes right. I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to see what she does with the boys. She's a true M/K girl like me. I sent her some feedback telling her how much I liked it, she was very nice and happy to ease my mind that the following sections won't be a torture session for the boys. I've learned to be cautious, after stumbling onto some stories that had no warnings on them and falling into something I so did not want to read. She assured me that besides angst, which both of us agreed didn't really need a warning for, there was nothing really bad going to happen to them. Said she couldn't stand to hurt the boys. I hate to see them hurt too. Love them to much. Angst sure, physical pain, no way. So any of you who have some squicks, you won't find any in this story. Go read it and if you liked it go send her some feedback telling her so. Encourage her to finish it, so she'll know we appreciate someone rewriting that god awful season 8.[1]

What really happened during the eighth season! An intriguing read.[2]

Wonderful retelling of season 8 that actually makes sense of all the weirdness. Not really an AU, since everything in this story is woven around the events of canon. And there's a happy ending for Alex, albeit once you can kinda see coming from the very first page of part 1. From the first page of the story, have a quote: "They dug up the other Mulder. The clone." That kinda says it all and explains a lot of seaon 8's insanity. Though, now that I think of it, there is a touch of AU to this, because as the story ends, I don't see canon season 9 following this. *recommended*[3]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 29 March 2015)
  2. ^ "X-Files recs (M/K)". Archived from the original on 2023-01-30.
  3. ^ "What I Read on Sunday (6/01) - JAG, AND, SV, BA, XF". {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |achiveurl= ignored (help)