Sea Change (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: Sea Change
Author(s): Mary Alice Wuerz
Date(s): 1988
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Sea Change is a Blake's 7 story by Mary Alice Wuerz.

It was printed in the zine 5th Season #5 where it had illos by Leah Rosenthal.

Reactions and Reviews

Actually, despite my words about the beginning of the zine not being all that - I enjoyed this fic a lot. Cally is replaced by a doppleganger and Avon (not knowing its not the real Cally) has to shoot her to stop her killing Blake - then he angsts over this decision. Some very nice Avon-Cally stuff, where she understands him a lot better than he understands himself/she thinks his decisions are good decisions. Good dialogue too.[1]
