Scenes from a Life

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Title: Scenes from a Life
Author(s): Cassieopia
Date(s): 2004 or before
Length: 92kb
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
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Scenes from a Life is a Jack/Daniel story by Cassieopia.

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Jack and Daniel are stranded on a strange world in an abandoned village and have to survive as best they can while they wait for an increasingly remote rescue.

He closes his eyes, lets misery replace rage. "We're never going home." Whispers it.

Jack's grip on his wrists loosens, and then Jack releases him, helps him sit up. "Daniel, we don't know that." Cups his face between both hands and leans forward to rest his forehead against Daniel's. "We can't give up. We're going to stay alive, okay? Don't do this to yourself."

He feels his chin wobble, tries to turn away to keep from shaming himself.

Jack doesn't let go, though, just pulls him in and close and holds on to him. "Steady," Jack murmurs. "We've gotten through worse, we'll get through this."

Will they? He shudders. They're already changed by this, by what happens in the night. He can't say no to Jack, and he both hates that and craves it. He can't blame it on Jack, although he'd like to, and he can't stop wanting Jack. He wraps both arms around Jack and holds on in return, wanting and needing and hating himself.

This story created quite a few heated discussions in Stargate fandom when it came out. A lot of readers found the characterisations OOC and objected to what they saw as non-consensual sex between Daniel and Jack. I didn't see this story like that. I like it very much and thought it was a fascinating view of an almost homophobic Daniel who has trouble coming to terms with his own sexuality.[1]
