Sarcophagus (Highlander story)

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Title: Sarcophagus
Author(s): Kitty Fisher
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Highlander
External Links: Sarcophagus (Maygra's Musings)

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Sarcophagus is a Methos/Kronos slash story by Kitty Fisher.

Recs and Reviews

In The Bronze Age Originally from the zine Walking Distance, Kitty Fisher’s Sarcophagus is now on the net. Even if a body heals flawlessly, the torture is remembered, and even if Kronos effortlessly hunts Methos down and drags him back to the Four Horseman, can he forget that Methos wanted to leave? [1]

Kitty Fisher made her name (and a grand name it is) in zines. This piece first appeared in Walking Distance, and I have told people that it was one of those dark, violent tales that I really, really liked, and then felt bad because I did. But I still like it. It's set in the days of the 4 Horseman and I feel very flattered that Kitty gave me permission to host her first net published piece. It is definitely NC-17 (MMA) for violence, rape. m/m sex and just plain old torture. Oh my. <G>[2]


  1. ^ Sandy Herrold. Issues of Consent: Sandy’s mostly "Slash Without Consent" link page, via Wayback. (Accessed 21 November 2019)
  2. ^ Maygra de Rhema. Wordsmiths & Muses, 12 June 1999. (Accessed 21 November 2019)