Same damn hunger

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Title: same damn hunger
Author(s): marienadine (orphan_account)
Date(s): August 2017
Length: 40k words; 1 chapter
Genre(s): University AU, slash
Fandom(s): BTS
External Links: ao3 link, Archived version

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same damn hunger is a BTS fanfic by orphan_account. It is a University AU. The main pairing is Yoonseok.

On the Archive of Our Own, it is the twenty third most popular BTS fanwork by hit count. As of February 2021, the work has over 309,000 hits, 14,000 kudos, 897 comments, and 6,400 bookmarks.


Summary:When it comes to fucking around with his best friend, Yoongi follows two rules:

1. They must be inebriated.

2. They must not kiss.

Reactions and Reviews

okay this fic is heartbreaking? it’s really smutty, but it’s also super poetic and angsty. it’s just really good, I’ve read it a ton of times : ))[1]

I’m a big sucker for slow burn fics and this is a 40k long, painful build up between two stupid, stupid boys but it’s so worth it. Really beautiful characterisation and even more beautiful writing.[2]

I will never shut up about this fic. this fic is brilliant. both yoongi and hobi are so well written, their relationship is beautiful and it’s definitely the sope fic. who knew a kiss could be so important? it’s funny, full of feelings, there’s the perfect amount of angst to balance everything. the dialogue and writing style were amazing, everything about this fic is amazing, tbh you don’t even have to stan sope to have a good time with this. it’s the sope bible. idk what else to say i just love it, nothing will ever top this ever 2145145/10[3]

  • au: college / university
  • friends with benefits to lovers
  • slow burn
  • misunderstandings
  • drunken fun times & recreational drug use
  • this is one of the most realistic college aus i have ever read!! i love it
  • the smut is so good good good!!!
  • bangtan friend group!!
  • happy ending[4]

Definitely a favourite. Got hooked up from the first word and couldn’t stop reading till the end. I won’t even try to deny it - this kind of concept is one of my fav, the old good fuckbodies to lovers. The dynamics were so good too. Iconic[5]

i only finished reading this a few minutes ago and i’m still buzzing from how absolutely perfect this is. this fic captures the beautiful and deep friendship that yoongi and hobi have, and throws sex at it - and all that that entails. the pining is glorious, the smut is brilliantly written and insanely hot, and there is a sweetness that will leave a smile on your face. and the side namjin is hilarious and fluffy and perfect. (bonus: the yoongi and jin friendship is *chef’s kiss*. it’s so cute and supportive and i really appreciated it).[6]

i know nothing about bts beyond them having some catchy bops and great style. this is an epic fwb fic with added pining and was exactly what i needed to read. i also don’t know what anyone involved looks like really so i sorta read it like fiction, which is something i always love about reading fics for a fandom you’re not in. [7]

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