SN 1572

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Title: SN 1572
Author(s): prufrock's love
Date(s): 2014? 2015?
Length: 580K / 296,960 word count
Genre(s): het, MSR, Post-Colonization, Angst
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: SN 1572, Archived version

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SN 1572 is an X-Files story by prufrock's love.

This story is the author's reworking of Negative Utopia.


Rating: NC-17

Classification: Novel, Post-colonization, Angst, Dark MSR, Other

Summary: After colonization and Earth's devastation, Scully remains in one of the few safe, walled colonies, remembering the past and praying for some future with Mulder. Whatever the hell Mulder has become.

Reactions and Reviews

Okay, Philes…we’ve been waiting a good long while to rec today’s fic because it’s so. Damn. Good. If you’re not familiar with Prufrock’s Love, you should be. Most people have read or are familiar PL’s AU fic Paracelsus. But if you’ve never read Negative Utopia, which is our personal favorite post-col story from this author, you need to. In fact, you should probably read it first before you dive in to today’s rewrite of Negative Utopia that was published just a year or two ago. Yes, you read that right. PL recently published a rewrite of Negative Utopia, and holy crap, it is fan-freaking-tastic. Be advised, this fic is dense. And by dense we mean, it features Scully/other Mulder/other in addition to dark MSR, it’s laden with angst, and it is good. Damn good. We (@piecesofscully and @kateyes224), literally had to read this together because it required a support system to get through, and we had a fic hangover for DAYS afterwards. We messaged each other throughout the course of several days as we read it together (”Have you gotten to the part where ____ happens?!?!” “OMFG DID YOU SEE THAT ____?!?!?!”… you get the picture.) We are taking tomorrow off so you can get through both of these amazing fics by this legend of an author. [1]

Wow. I’ve been in the fandom reading XF fic for almost 20 years. I haven’t read this until you ladies recommended it. I think I’m still recovering from this one. Exhausting, heart wrenching, emotional, beautiful. So amazing how you can become immersed in another world. Beautiful writing. This is a fic I don’t think I can return to anytime soon but I appreciate the journey. Now on to some of my favorite fluffy fics to recover. [2]

I wanted to throw my phone against the wall when I was done. It was amazing. [3]

ummmmm. I spent a long time not reading this fic. Because a) it’s sooo long, b) I’ve read so much good post-col that I just didn’t see the point in reading more, and c) […]/Other is really not my bag. Nonetheless, I downloaded it as an ePub because @txf-fic-chicks know what they’re doing. Today I finally decided to give it a try, and what happened is that I spent an entire day of my one wild and precious life reading this fic and I have no regrets at all. I mean. Holy shit. I wanted to find a way to inhale it all at once because reading it page by page was honestly kind of excruciating. I cannot possibly be articulate about this, but it is really really really good and that is all for today bye

# also it turns out that scully/other bothers me way less than mulder/other #i don't want to examine too closely why that might be #other people's fic [4]

Two Fans Loved It So Much...

Some fans created a custom book for their personal use.

Today is a big day for us, Philes! It’s the official 1 year Friend-iversary for @kateyes224 and @piecesofscully <3 So, in honor of that, we thought we would post our absolute favorite fic. It holds a special place in our hearts, because it was the first fic that we read together and bonded over.

We loved it so much that Patty printed it out and made it into a book for Kristin as a gift. A girl needs her hard copy, amirite? [5]
