Roller Coaster (Stargate SG-1 story)

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Title: Roller Coaster
Author(s): Brionhet
Date(s): 15 Mar 2006
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
External Links: online here

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Roller Coaster is a Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel story by Brionhet. It is part of a series.

Series: "Disconnected"

Reactions and Reviews

Brionhet's Disconnected story arc is a series that I come back to time and time again. I love it. It's a wonderful blend of character and plot that keeps me turning my electronic pages, despite now knowing exactly what's coming next.

Rollercoaster is the first part of the series and it's aptly named. Daniel is having issues: he's unsure of where he fits on the team; he's confused about his place in the world of archaeology; and he's having trouble dealing with his feelings for Jack. Daniel's considering taking action that I initially saw as overly extreme, but his behaviour only reinforces how serious he considers those problems are.

This story is not your average "boy meets boy, boy falls in love with boy, boys live happily ever after" plot that there is so much of in the fandom. Instead it's a realistic view of how Jack and Daniel might end up in bed, considering their different personalities and different world views. In fact, a large part of the story is taken up by Jack and Daniel's first time. They have sex. Hot sex. It's during this session that their differences begin to be clarified, and I always feel my heart sinking as it becomes clear that everything in the garden is not roses.

The one problem I have is that Daniel strikes me as a little bit too innocent for the time the story is set. I can see the Daniel of season one being so shy with other teams, but not the one from season four. He's also a little clueless when it comes to the consummation of his relationship with Jack. I think perhaps he's written this way to provide a good contrast to his behaviour in later parts of the series, though I'm not sure. But from my perspective it's only a small quibble.

Jack, however, is depicted just right - he's shown in all his "only human" glory. Jack is an alpha male and he knows it. He's also complex and confused, and retreats back into his military persona when things don't go his way. This story is his journey as much as it is Daniel's, and it's fascinating to see the two tales intertwine.

Rollercoaster is eminently readable. It's written in an easy style that's just right for the normal everyday scenes, ramps up for the sex scenes, and is subtly intense for the emotional scenes. There's a wonderful use of words: it seems that the author has made a great effort to choose just the right word every time, not settling for something that's "good enough". Phrases such as "He felt his own anger expand and rise up his throat, tightening his voice into high, sharp aggression." and "Daniel liked Adair Heidepriem. Something about the combination of the rather silly, frivolous name with the tough and scruffy person delighted his soul." litter the text with wonderful images.

And speaking of Adair... As original characters go, Adair Heidepriem is one fascinating woman. She's feisty without being ultra-feminist, and I like that in a female civilian - an archaeologist - who has to put up with the male-dominated military machine.

Overall, the writing makes me envious, the story is full of angst and realism, and Jack and Daniel's banter is scattered throughout but with a little twist (if a hint will help, then remember that this is set in season four). Just in case anyone hasn't caught on yet, I'll say it again: I love this series.

And finally, an important warning - this is a To Be Continued. I don't want to hear any complaints that someone saved this story to take away on holiday and then had to wait until they got home again to find out what happens next. If you're going to start this series, be sure that you have all parts in hand. [1]
