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Title: Rictus
Author(s): Sequitur
Date(s): 22 May 2005 - 14 June 2007
Length: 61,212 words
Genre(s): gen, casefile, backstory
Fandom(s): NCIS
External Links: Rictus (FanFiction.Net)

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Rictus is a gen NCIS story by Sequitur.

Summary: How Tony Dinozzo started working for NCIS.

Recs and Reviews

  • "Sequitur describes the story as "How Tony DiNozzo started working for NCIS." Not only do we get the first meeting between Tony and Gibbs, but they also work their first case together, a really nasty serial killer case with the targets being little girls. Tony's situation within the police department is bad and getting worse, and Gibbs realizes that the younger man is close to burn out. Sequitur does an excellent job of getting into the heads of both Gibbs and DiNozzo and showing us how well the two mesh almost immediately."[1]
  • "Long gen fic, about Tony, still a Baltimore cop, meeting Gibbs and eventually coming to work for him. The Tony in this fic is maybe a bit too self-confident, the way he should be, but mostly doesn't show in the show. I have no trouble believing in this Tony, but it makes me wonder why he changed when he came to NCIS. Still, I really like the Tony/Gibbs interactions in this one, and even though it's gen, I'm sure it will satisfy your Gibbs/Tony desires."[2]
  • "This one is the most popular fic there is about Tony joining the NCIS. I agree that this is definitely the best one, it’s very well thought out. This author has lots of other NCIS fics too that are definitely worth reading."[3]


  1. ^ moonprincessnat in ncisficrecs. Rictus by Sequitur, 15 June 2007. (Accessed 24 April 2011)
  2. ^ oceanas_recs. NCIS Rec 'Rictus' by Sequitur, 23 July 2007. (Accessed 24 April 2011)
  3. ^ heloujelou. Rictus by Sequitur, 13 June 2008. (Accessed 24 April 2011)