Restraint (The X-Files/Eminem story)

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Title: Restraint
Author(s): Slim Slash and Without Me
Date(s): posted 19 January 2002 - 17 February 2002
Genre(s): slash crossover
Fandom(s): The X-Files and Eminem RPF
External Links: Just the Two of Us series

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Restraint is the first story in the Just the Two of Us series, an X-Files/Eminem RPF crossover slashing Alex Krycek with the rapper Eminem, written by Slim Slash and Without Me. The series summary is "Marshall meets a stranger in a Detroit bar and his world is turned upside down."

  • Restraint is 175K (34,875 words) long in four parts. Summary: "It's okay," that velvet voice whispered in his ear. "Sometimes you need ... something different. It doesn't mean you're weak."

There are two 'interludes' wherein the characters reflect on the events of Restraint.

  • Interlude 1: Marshall (104K or 10,069 words). Summary: He'd been trying not to think about it all day, but even now he could still hear Alex's voice in his head. "I'm giving you a choice ... " No, it was no choice. What else could he have done? He'd been handcuffed, dragged in there unconscious. The fucker was strong, too. Marshall hadn't had a choice.
  • Interlude 2: Alex (33K or 3,109 words). Summary: In the dark, sprawled diagonally across the bed, right arm curled above his head, he thought about the taste of Marshall's skin. Of his blood. He fell asleep smiling.