Reflections (Kung Fu: The Legend Continues zine)

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Title: Reflections
Publisher: Chicago Station
Editor(s): Jan Kraft and Jeanne DeVore
Date(s): 1997-?
Medium: fanzine
Fandom: Kung Fu: The Legend Continues
External Links: publisher
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Reflections is a gen Kung Fu: The Legend Continues anthology.

It has eight issues.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1, Linda Fairbanks

Reflections 1 was published in May 1997 and contains 135 pages.

The cover is by Linda Fairbanks. The interior art is by Barbara Eickhoff, Linda Fairbanks, and Sharon M. Palmer (SMAP).

From the editorial:

At long last the stories are laid out, the text is proofread, the illos are added. I can't believe I’m almost done! My first zine! And I made my deadline and everything! (whew!)

So, how does one go from "I really admire the work of editors, but there's no way I'd ever edit a zine myself" to "Here it is, my very first zine"?

Well, first it helps if one has somehow over the past year become azine publisher. Dunno how it happened. Next, one must want to continue a previous saga, in this case Child of the Moving Tide, but be very particular about the home it goes to. So one decides to build one's own. Then one has to realize that four stories do not a publication make, and start asking one's friends if they'd like to contribute something, to sort of fill it out.

You hold in your hands the result. It's a result I'm extremely proud of. So much more goes into a zine than I'd ever dreamed before I actually sat down and did it (I now know more about fonts and formatting than I ever wanted), the task was daunting at first. But I discovered something: that as exciting as it is to see your own words in print, it's at least as exciting, if not more so, to help an author turn her story into the best it can be, and I'm far prouder of some of my contributors' stories here than I am of my own work.

  • Reflections by J.P. Kraft (1)
  • Incoming by Nea Dodson and Sherri Fillingham ("Kermit Griffin has secrets in his past, all right. But who'd have suspected one of his greatest secrets has gray hair and wears track shoes.") (3)
  • To Bait a Falcon by J.M. McClure and Barbara Ogle. ("Peter and Kermit find themselves as unwilling bait in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse—a trap set to lure Paul Blaisdell out of hiding.") (12)
  • One Night Stand by J.P. Kraft ("It's been one of "those" weeks for Peter Caine, and all he wants is to go to some anonymous bar, find an anonymous woman, and get.... But things are seldom as they seem.") (45)
  • Laura's Request by Geri Fox ("Laura Caine is dead—we've seen her grave. Or have we? Kwai Chang Caine tells his son a story, one which casts the fate of Peter's mother in doubt.") (57)
  • Child of the Moving Tide Part II by Jeanne DeVore with Signe Hovde ("The continuing saga of a growing-up Peter Caine; stories which pick up where the first cycle in the zine, Child of the Moving Tide left off, dealing with Peter as a cadet in the Police Academy, and as a young cop.")

Issue 2

cover of issue #2, Linda Fairbanks

Reflections 2 was published in May 1998 and contains 235 pages.

It has a cover by Linda Fairbanks. The interior art is by Fairbanks and Barbara Eickhoff.

  • poem by J.P. Kraft (1)
  • Recovering by J.C. Jederberg (3)
  • Snapdragon by MJ Mink ("An apartment fire forces Peter to move in with his father. While there he must discover who he is, and where his life fits with that of his father.") (9)
  • The Greatest Truth by Ellen K. Brooks-Lynch (36)
  • Seeing Clearly by Jeanne DeVore (48)
  • 'Scape Not the Thunderbolt by J.P. Kraft (53)
  • One Simple Act by Brenda Mick ("A small car, a long trip, a talkative Peter Caine, and a Captain Simms who is certain that those three ingredients will drive her mad. But a freak accident changes the situation and Simms learns more about Peter, and herself, than she'd ever expected.") (68)
  • Where Do the Children Play? by A. 'Nea Dodson (88)
  • The Road to Avalon by C.M. Ortenz (106)
  • Give Sorrow Words by JP Kraft ("Paul Blaisdell has finally come home. But it's not for the reason any of them would want.") (won a 1999 FanQ) (125)
  • The Shaolin's Apprentice by Jeanne DeVore, Signe Hovde, J.P. Kraft (143)
  • There Was No Sadness by Geri Fox ("Young Peter Caine meets again an old friend from the orphanage. But times change and so do people. And being in the "in" crowd is more important than old companions.") (147)
  • Baohuren by Marge Shasberger ("Peter Caine, new Shaolin priest, struggles with his place in the Chinese community, and with estranged ties to the precinct. But a troubled teen, a burglary ring, and rival black and Chinese gangs all contribute to the situation and show Peter his path.") (159)

Issue 3

Reflections 3 contains 157 pages. The front cover is by Linda Fairbanks.

  • Poem by J.P. Kraft (1)
  • Ruins: With a Single Step by J.C. Jederberg (3)
  • A Day in the Life by J.M. McClure and Barbara Ogle (7)
  • Flashback by Beverly Hansberry (23)
  • Ruins: Double-Edged Blade by J.C. Jederberg (25)
  • An Old, Old Love by J.P. Kraft (30)
  • Ruins: Lost Treasure by J.C. Jederberg (40)
  • The Chrysalis by Ellen Brooks-Lynch (45)
  • Son of... by J.P. Kraft, Jeanne DeVore, Signe Hovde (57)
  • Ruins: Out of the Shadows by J.C. Jederberg (69)
  • Summoned to Destiny by Marge Shasberger (73)

Issue 4

cover of issue #4, Linda Fairbanks

Reflections 4 was published in May 2000. The front cover is by Linda Fairbanks.

  • Poem by J.P. Kraft (1)
  • Thoughts Become Memories by Lisa Cavalieri (3)
  • Orchids by Tracy LeCates (21)
  • To Follow the Path by J.P. Kraft (45)
  • No Other Way by Karen Elliott (49)
  • Heights by Janet Lampe (64)
  • Full Circle by Patricia O'Cain (winner of a 2001 FanQ) (94)
  • A Hard Lesson Learned by Joann Stroh (101)
  • May I Sleep With You? by Bonnie Evans and Janet Lampe (111)
  • What's in a Name? by J.P. Kraft (117)
  • Ransom by Marge Shasberger (123)

Issue 5

cover of issue #5, J.P. and Courtney Kraft

Reflections 5 was published in 2001 and contains 274 pages, coil bound, color cover by J.P. and Courtney Kraft.

  • poem by J.P. Kraft (1)
  • Three Weeks by Lisa Lovewell ("Kwai Chang Caine is dead, and Peter must learn to face his fears and accept life without his father.") (3)
  • Promises to Keep by Judy Hoggard ("The demons have caught up with Paul Blaisdell, and it's up to Peter and Kermit to vanquish them.") (29)
  • A Lesson in Driving by Denise Edge ("While waiting for Peter one evening, Paul Blaisdell reflects on teaching his foster son to drive.") (70)
  • Soldier of Evil by JP Kraft ("Peter is torn between honoring an oath to the dead and honoring his oath as a cop.") (75) (winner of a 2002 FanQ)
  • On Faith by Jackee C ("Visions of a serial bomber put Peter at the top of an FBI agent's suspect list.") (95)
  • The Return by Joann Stroh ("A brutal headmaster, blaming young Peter for his dismissal from the orphanage, returns to get revenge.") (137)
  • For Old Time's Sake by Patricia O'Cain ("In this sequel to the Fan-Q Award-winning "Full Circle" in issue #4, an old friend of Captain Simms witnesses a murder, Peter and Kermit must save the woman from becoming the next victim. (158)
  • Circles by Marge Shasberger ("The latest installment in the Baohuren series Peter must choose between his duty as boajia and his duty to his loved ones.") (187)

Issue 6

cover of issue #6, Jeanne DeVore

Reflections 6 was published in May 2002 and contains 242 pages, coil-bound, color cover by Jeanne DeVore.

  • poem by J.P. Kraft (1)
  • Crossings by Janet Lampe ("Shaolin Priest Peter has settled down with a new wife. But how can they have the family they desire when it was written in the Book of Shambhala that Peter would be the last of the Caine line?") (3)
  • Grace by Jackee C. ("In a series of vignettes, Peter comes to reconcile his life and his two fathers, who in turn grow to better understand their son.") (38)
  • Third Sunday in June by JP Kraft ("What starts out as a dreaded school assignments becomes an annual tradition for Peter and a record of his growing up.") (42)
  • Interlude: Grace Returned by Jackee C. ("Second in the 'Grace' series of vignettes.") (52)
  • A Single Soul by Cathryn Mortenz-Teal ("A grisly murder, a new friend, and some unpleasant memories all combine to set Peter Caine on edge as he struggles to regain his equilibrium.") (56)
  • Interlude: Grace Redeemed by Jackee C. ("Third in the 'Grace' series of vignettes.") (129)
  • The Rocky Path of Healing by Valorie Avants ("A reconnaissance mission gone terribly wrong leaves Peter injured and guilt-stricken. He finds solace from a most unusual source.") (134)
  • Interlude: Full Circle by Jackee C. ("Fourth in the series.") (163)
  • Concerto by Marge Shasberger ("The latest addition to the Baohuren series transports us seventeen years into the future. Peter's daughter, Jasmine, is a promising cellist. But there's something fishy about her new orchestra leader. And continuing turmoils within the Imperial Household in Taiwan finds Peter's loyalties stretched.") (167)

Issue 7

cover issue #7
another version of cover issue #7

Reflections 7 was published in 2003. It has 174 pages, coil bound, color cover.

  • The Truest Wealth by Janet Lampe ("To save his father's life, Peter makes a personal sacrifice, and in the process, discovers the depth of his inner strength.") (1)
  • Rules, Pot, and Absurdity by Gini Wheeler ("A vignette between rookie cop Peter and Paul Blaisdell.") (25)
  • Hero Complex by JP Kraft ("Peter is faced with an horrific choice—whichever way he decides, innocent people will die.") (35)
  • Suicide by Cop by Linda Jofery ("Peter and Skalany are called to deal with a domestic disturbance when things go disastrously wrong.") (58)
  • Paradigm Shift by Marge Shasberger ("An undercover op gone awry forces Peter and Caine to re-examine their relationship.") (108)
  • The Sword of Corryn Blay by Cathryn Mortenz-Teal ("Peter finds himself once again at the mercy of his mysterious uncle Damon. But is Damon the evil man that Peter remembers?") (145)

Issue 8

Reflections 8 was published in 2004 and contains 185 pages.

cover of issue #8
  • Poem by J.P. Kraft (1)
  • Breaking the News by J.P. Kraft ("Paul discovers Caine's existence. (5)
  • The Case of the Missing Detective by Linda Jofery ("An 'average' day in the life of Peter Caine.") (10)
  • Path of Discovery by Valerie Avants ("Paul's quest to be free of his demons is tied to a terrifying night when he fears he might lose his eldest daughter and new foster son.") (45)
  • Enigma by Gini Wheeler ("Teenaged Peter finds a link to his father in a most unusual figure.") (79)
  • Twist and Dodge by J.P. Kraft ("Peter comes face to face with a dark time in his past which shows him what he might have become if not for the intervention of Paul Blaisdell.") (113)
  • Crossroads by Debra Van Sandt ("In this crossover with Highlander, Peter connects with a boy-turned-man whom he'd protected years earlier in the orphanage.") (113)