Total Drama: Revenge of the Island

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Name: Total Drama: Revenge of the Island (formerly titled Total Drama Comedy and later Total Drama Reloaded)
Abbreviation(s): TDROTI, ROTI
Creator: Fresh TV; Teletoon
Date(s): 05 January - 12 April 2012 (CAN; full season aired earlier in France than elsewhere)
Medium: Cartoon
Country of Origin: Canada
External Links: Total Drama Revenge of the Island on Total Drama Wiki
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Total Drama: Revenge of the Island is the fourth season of Total Drama. It stars 13 contestants and two hosts.

Listed alphabetically, the contestants are Anne Maria, B, Brick, Cameron, Dakota, Dawn, Jo, Lightning, Mike, Sam, Scott, Staci and Zoey. Mike has alters, which are: Chester, Svetlana, Vito, and Manitoba Smith. Chris McLean and Chef Hatchet host. This cast is sometimes called Gen 2.

Total Drama Revenge of the Island was the first season of Total Drama to introduce an entirely new cast, with no one from Island returning aside from Chris and Chef.


See List of Total Drama Relationship Names for more ship information.

The most popular pairing for contestants who compete in Total Drama Revenge of the Island is Mike/Zoey. Other popular ships are Dawn/Scott and Brick/Jo.

Remaining common pairings for Total Drama Revenge of the Island include Dakota/Sam, Anne Maria/Lightning, B/Dawn, Brick/Dawn, Mike/Scott and Anne Maria/Jo. Chef/Chris is worth mentioning as well. Dawn/Noah stands out as a popular cross-season ship with Island (2007)'s Noah. With the large, large cast of Total Drama, which currently stands at around one hundred with the release of Island (2023), there's too many semi-common ships with Fanac to list them all here.

Fan Opinions

Revenge's cast was negatively received by some fans when the season was first announced in 2011[1].

Another point of contention is its focus on an inaccurate depiction of DID with Mike and an overall dismissal of other mental disorders.

I don’t think I can ever rewatch ROTI again simply because of how grating all the ableism plots are. bits with Staci, Dakota, Dawn, minor stuff with Brick, and god everything with Cameron Mike and Scott. Cam treating Mike like a science experiment and Mike WANTING to be a science experiment... hurl. I think watching Scott mistreat Mike& and then throw him away like a used napkin after that one challenge via blackmail was kinda equivalent to a children’s torture pron. idk how you can watch that ep and it like. not rewire your brain to feel nothing but despair. Mike&’s literally a lil guy. love that guy. wish he was less terrible to his alters but god[2]

Anonymous asked:

Scott's "punishment" at the end of Revenge of the Island was always fucked up, but honestly what makes it so much worse for me was that it was SO legitimately bad, that he became like, the only TD character who actually got PTSD for the experience. Watching him get literally get frozen by fear in All Stars before fighting Fang was upsetting

total-drama-shark replied:

Yeah that’s honestly one of the more fucked up things to happen in the show, TDAS canonically takes an entire year after ROTI and the second Scott sees fang he legitimately freezes and clings to a rock for his life... and it’s treated like that’s funny.[3]

Criticisms about Revenge's writing often bring up how there are no plotpoints involving only Female contestants. This was a relatively new issue for Total Drama. Fanworks may emphasize dynamics between Female contestants more than the show itself.

Anonymous asked:

...Most of the tdroti girls are such missed potential in my mind and oh how it Sucks to see . it could have worked so well with the right screentime allocation. I know that Anne Maria was initially meant to be in TDAS, and I really wonder if they would have fleshed her out at least a little more if that were the case.... i still love tdroti so much but dear lord can someone take me to a universe where we had jomaria rivals to lovers arc i would kill for that any day of the decade

mangora replied:

#honestly. yeah#roti is my favorite season but the treatment of the girl makes me sad#like Anne Maria and Staci were just kinda joke characters despite having so much potential#jo had so much groundwork laid for an arc that never happened#Dawn had a cool concept that was hardly given any depth despite yk. her literally having supernatural powers in a largely normal universe#Dakota got an arc but IMO I think her becoming dakotazoid like. kinda ruined it by dumbing her down#the only female character who got an actual arc was Zoey but even that was washed away in All Stars#like theyre all so cool and I’m so sad hardly anything was done with them

total-drama-shark replied:

#one of ROTI’s biggest flaws for me is the treatment the girls got that season. From design to relationships and elimination order.#The girls were truly done dirty and that sucks.#I saw a really good Reddit post once going in dept about the sexism towards the female characters in ROTI#how only the conventionally attractive girls get to wear clothes that reveal skin while all the others are covered basically neck to toe#and how most of the elimination reasons for the girls play into sexist stereotypes:#Staci getting eliminated for talking to much and being annoying. Dakota for her ego and self centered looks.#and Anne for caring about material wealth to a fault.#not to mention over half the girls were eliminated before the merge.#total drama#total drama revenge of the island#td negativity[4]

Example/Notable Fanac

Archive of Paris Hilton posting Dakota fanart to her Instagram story, Archived version

Fan Communities/Fan Events

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Other Total Drama Seasons on Fanlore

References/Further Reading