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Title: Pyrexia
Author(s): Morrigan
Date(s): early 2000s
Length: 115k
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: online here

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Pyrexia is a gen Blake's 7 story by Morrigan.

Reactions and Reviews

As the author says, her best stories are in print, but this is, I think, the best of the ones she has put on her website (reviews of the others follow - though they do deal with adult situations, they are all gen stories). Morrigan tends to go for hurt-comfort with quite a *lot* of graphic hurt, and a favourite theme is Avon being the one ill/hurt etc and Blake suffering guilt and anguish over it - not that I'm complaining, since this set-up is the classic h/c arrangement in B7. This time its Avon *and* Vila who are infected with when they investigate a mysterious laboratory ... and it turns out that the disease was created by the people there who plan to sell it to the Federation, and have no cure. Yes, the story's been done before, but there are some nice character touches in it, some fairly graphic descriptions of the illness, and an exploration of the ethics of both the scientists and Blake himself. I liked this story quite a lot.[1]


  1. ^ Sally M at Gen Fic Crit, June 2002