Providence in Retrograde

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Title: Providence in Retrograde
Author(s): galimau & Oceanbreeze7
Date(s): 22 April 2019 - 28 November 2020 (update chapter 2)
Length: 14,196 words (2/10)
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Alex Rider
External Links: Providence in Retrograde (AO3)

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Providence in Retrograde is an Alex Rider story by galimau & Oceanbreeze7. It is incomplete.


"Can you shoot a gun?" Alex said, impatiently holding the flaming Molotov a tad tighter. The boy- Yasha he had said, looked pointedly from the shattered plastic remnants of the chair he was tied to, to the rope bindings he had literally burned off, to the unconscious guard he had beaten with a (now) broken Waterford Crystal vase. "Cahn you?" Yasha challenged, critically surveying the Molotov in Alex's hand. And yeah, that was pretty fair. OR: Apparently Ecuador was nice this time of year. Lots of waves, good Tuna fishing, yearly Evil-Maniac-Convention which somehow now involved immortal tortoises and the key to everlasting life. At least Alex gets to steal a motorcycle, and a boat, and an entire island and an equally insane Russian Boy who (maybe) will set the world on fire.

Author's notes:

Well, this was surprisingly fun to write. Especially considering I have nearly no idea what's going on at any point in time. Honestly, writing for an absurdly small fandom and screaming at a handful of people around the world is much more intimate and heartwarming than a few of the larger fandoms. I really enjoy you all, and I'm really happy I stumbled into this tar pit of a timeline. Couldn't have done it all without you throwing your ideas at me, and thanks to galimau/Ahuuda because she's the one that grabbed my ankle, spun into a death spiral, and refuses to let go. Someone get me a doctor, I think I've gotten gangrene for this fandom. I truly do hope you all enjoy, it seems that this little corner of the internet hasn't had this sort of story before. I hope to make something special for you all. ~ Kae (Oceanbreeze7)

Recs and Reviews

What if Alex and Yassen met when they were about the same age?? Have we not always wondered this? (Okay, maybe not you, but I have.) Two out of ten projected chapters have been posted and I’ll be honest, I’m not certain whether it’s abandoned/on hiatus or not, but I do not care. Those first two chapters are GOLD and the pure chaotic energy of Alex Rider and teenage Yasha cannot be missed. No rating, incomplete. When does it take place? I legit have no idea. (But I don’t care because as I said, what is there is GOLD.)[1]

Olya Never Writes
