Providence Pals

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Name: Providence Pals
Date(s): 1980s1990s
Focus: fanzines, literary criticism
Fandoms: H.P. Lovecraft
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"Providence Pals" is the informal name of the group of Lovecraft's fans who actively contributed to the fanzines like Crypt of Cthulhu in the 80s and 90s. Many of these fans were or eventually became professional Lovecraftian scholars, writers, artists and such.

Authors of Providence Pals: Memories and Miscellany, the memoir about the group, describe it as such:

During the short period from the early 80s through the 90s, a small group of dedicated fans and scholars worked diligently to bring more understanding to the life and work of H. P. Lovecraft. These people were known, informally, as 'The Providence Pals'. Working in a time when Lovecraft was still widely unknown and little noticed by literary circles, this group pioneered new research and blazed a path for the eventual acknowledgement of Lovecraft as a major literary writer and thinker of the 20th century. 'The Providence Pals' included many who would go on to become leading figures in the scholarship of Lovecraft's life and work. They were S. T. Joshi, Marc Michaud, Jason Eckhardt, Donald R. Burleson, Peter Cannon, Steven J. Mariconda, Robert M. Price, Will Murray, Mollie Burleson, Robert H. Knox, Ken Neily and Sam Gafford. For a brief, shining moment, these people came together in friendship and a common desire to advance Lovecraft's cause.

