Private Dancer (X-Files story)

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Title: Private Dancer
Author(s): Aries
Date(s): 2000 (?)
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Private Dancer (TER/MA)
Private Dancer (Aries Fiction)
Private Dancer II: One Night Only (TER/MA)
Private Dancer II: One Night Only (Aries Fiction)

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Private Dancer is a Mulder/Krycek story by Aries. The sequel is called One Night Only. It won the 2000 Lisa e Krysa Awards in the category Best Scene for "the one when they perform at the club".

Summary: "So I'm hard at work, greening the damned baskets for Easter, talking with my buddy Nela, and for some reason she brings up the time we went to go see the Chippendale's dancers. We drooled, we giggled, we ignored the dirty looks cast our way... then she goes and does me in by saying, I should write a story with Alex as a stripper... I swear, I'm gonna tape her mouth shut one of these days."

Summary sequel: Howard's club is in trouble and he needs Alex to help him save it. But at the end of Private Dancer, Alex had hung up his g-string and ridden off into the sunset with Fox. So, will he or won't he?

Recs and Reviews

These are the kind of stories that make your IQ drop a few points. Hot, hot, totally fucking hot. Yet, with that sweetness Aries always throw in with the boys. I like her Alex, probably one of my favorite characterizations of him. [...] As if Private Dancer wasn't good enough Aries had to go and right a sequel that is just as wonderful. [...] In the first one Mulder is frequenting gay male strip clubs. [...] Mulder, strip clubs. He's at one that is just dead. A friend there knows why, some hot act at another club. Talks him into going to see this guy. Want three guesses as to who it is? First two don't count.<g> Yep, hot gorgeous Alex. [...] It just goes from there. We find out the boys had a prior interlude that neither got over, how could they? It's a post-resistance, we won! fic. We see the boys meeting again, finding out that night months before meant more to both of them than they had expressed. Once the misunderstanding is cleared up they...get reaquainted from there.<wg> The second one takes place months later when Alex is talked out of retirement for one last performance by his former boss as a favor to help his failing club. Alex agrees to do it again, on one condition. His lovely Fox does it with him. Mulder reluctantly agrees and what insues will singe your eyebrows off it is so absolutely hot. I nearly melted right out of my chair on first reading it. This is one of my rereads. When I can't find any good new stuff, but I'm wanting to read something, these two stories are on my list of faves I go read again. Never fails to please. Good thing about faves you know going in that they won't disappoint you. You know you'll come out happy after you finish reading them.[1]

Mulder let's an acquaintance drag him into an exotic dancing establishment. R: "There was a brief tinkling sound as buttons flew everywhere...." I don't even finish the last part of that sentence. That sums up the sexiest part of this story for me. I think it's because Mulder was letting go some of his control that made it so hot. I don't really see stories where Mulder is hot, but when he's hot, he's HAWT! XD Mulder/Krycek ***** (FAV)[2]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)
  2. ^ Slash Recs of ScarletFBL: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 02 April 2015)