Prime Suspect

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Title: Prime Suspect
Author(s): Nova
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Online at AO3

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Prime Suspect is a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Nova.

It was published in Fire and Ice #9.

Reactions and Reviews

The last Nova story [in the zine] is "Prime Suspect," and it's a 6 page really weird PGP story. There is some nice interplay between Blake and Avon in this story. I can't remember now if they even kiss in this story. But that's okay. I don't need explicit sex or even any sex to like an A/B story.[1]

The other one that I don't like that much, mostly because its based in conceits I don't care for/things I don't think need to have wacky explanations - Avon shot Blake because of Anna, Blake didn't contact Avon for two series because he was sulking. Also - (in this fic) Avon's been raped as a child again (why always this??). The way the fic plays out with Blake meeting all of Avon's crew in turn is semi-interesting and the writing is strong, as always, but yes. There's a reason I keep forgetting what happens in this one.[2]

Another fic that I mostly forgot soon after reading. Blake playing detective was fun, and the resolution was deliciously wacky - but what I love about Nova is that she’s not afraid of wackiness. Orac bashing is probably the only sort of character bashing I can stand, and no, that’s not because it’s not alive, it’s because it’s such an asshole. (I like Orac anyway).[3]
