Portions of Eternity

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Title: Portions of Eternity
Author(s): Dianora
Date(s): Started: June 1998, Finished: September 23,1998
Genre(s): het, MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Portions of Eternity

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Portions of Eternity is a 1998 Mulder/Scully X-Files story by Dianora.


Rating: NC-17

Length: 236K / word count: 120,000+

Synopsis: In the post-colonization world, a very changed Mulder and Scully struggle to find their way back to each other - both physically and emotionally.

Spoilers: Anything through Season 9 is fair game [1]

Author's Comments

The author talks about this fic in Chronicle X Interview with Dianora.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

This IS a conversation... somewhat of a stream of consciousness one, so to help you keep track of who's speaking when, Kristina is in blue, and I, Shari, am in purple. [see original page for the colors, which are denoted by initials here on Fanlore]

[K]: "Portions of Eternity". Admittedly, one of my all-time favorite fics, for a variety of reasons. There's action, there's adventure, there's romance, there's angst… good golly! Dianora wrapped everything into this fic, making it a must-read.

[S]: Yes, it is! Very late one night, as I am known to be doing, I was scrounging around for fanfic and not finding anything I was really in the mood to read, when a friend (:::waves to Lisa:::) e-mailed me to say she found a LONG story on Dianora's website. As far as I know, Dia hadn't sent it out to any lists or to ATXC, hadn't publicized it at all, this was just luck that Lisa stumbled across it. I devoured it that same night and loved every minute of it.

[K]: "Portions" is a post-colonization fic that takes a look at the lives of Mulder and Scully after they have been separated.

[S]: Post-colonization fic was a type that I used to not enjoy too much -- maybe I'd just not read the right story to capture my interest, I don't know, but Blueswirl's "Tangible" clued me in on how good they could be, so I was primed and ready when "Portions of Eternity" came along. Really, it had so many of the things I love in fanfic.

[K]: Each is doing what he or she needs to survive and the picture painted is incredibly intense and riveting.


"What bothers me is that you've let this life turn you from a compassionate, courageous, inspiring woman into an unfeeling, megalomaniacal, self-centered bitch."

[K]: Normally, such a blunt statement would make me cry foul, but there was a grain of truth in what Mulder said. Scully had hardened herself to her plight, nearly winking out that part of her which could feel. It was necessary to survival and helped to add another facet to an already intriguing character.

[S]: Very true. This aspect of Scully was really a huge part of the novel because she struggled big-time with almost two separate Scullys. We first got a glimpse of it in the scene where Mulder climbs through Scully's bedroom window and they're together for the first time since he disappeared. So much tension in that room, and it all explodes into up-against-the-wall smut! <g> But here was a lot of anger in that scene, too. Scully had really closed herself off in the time she'd spent as one of the Mothers -- had in many ways become one of them, something Mulder calls her on after they go underground in the scene Kris just mentioned. But she had become hardened, and it was a little unnerving to read about this Scully. Seeing her that way though made the scene where she realizes what she had become, where she admits that there was a time that she hated Mulder, just that much more powerful.

[S]: Staying with this reunion scene for just a minute -- cause it's one of my favorites. <g> The emotions of both of them were just all over the place. Scully being unsure of whether she wanted to see him again since she didn't know what his role with Strughold and the consortium was. Then they overcame that for one bout of frenzied smut. Mulder's feeling guilty for his connection to Marita and then angry because Scully won't take the threat to her life seriously and especially that Scully would even think for a moment that he would love Marita. This scene is just a great picture of the upheavel in their lives and relationship.

[K]: Then, of course, there's the battle-hardened part of her. We should all know by now that Kris just digs Kickass!Scully with a spoon. And Dia really got me going. Not only is Scully a Mother, leader of the Rebellion, creating the biological agent that will save the world, but she is also still her usual Kung Fu self. :::sigh:::

"Get out of there!" he yelled at her. "There's nothing more you can do for him."

"Fuck you!" she screamed back at him in fury. She pulled out her own gun from under her shirt and fired once into the darkness, and for half a second Mulder actually thought she was aiming at him. He followed the line of the laser bolt with his eyes, watched in surprise as one of the troops fell. Gotcha. Scully had obviously kept her hand in.

Fine. Girlfriend can take care of herself, is that what she was saying?

[K]: Oh yes. Girlfriend can.[2]


  1. ^ Novel Length Friday (September 2016)
  2. ^ excerpts from a much longer discussion at "Can We Talk" at Chronicle X: Portions of Eternity