Playing Tourist

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Title: Playing Tourist
Author(s): Lapis Lazuli
Date(s): October 30, 1996
Length: pretty short
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): X-Files RPF
External Links: online here

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Playing Tourist is an X-Files RPF story by Lapis Lazuli.

For other examples of similar fic, see Some Examples of Early X-Files RPF.

Story Header

Disclaimer: DD, his opinions, and his wardrobe belong to DD. This story is mere conjecture, along the lines of "David Fantasy #1" by Julianne Lee. This is my first attempt at fanfic. The Rebecca character actually doesn't resemble me at all, and I have no lust for DD in real life. I actually had a dream that went something like this, so I'm experimenting with the concept.

Rating: PG for UST

Classification: S

Summary: David Duchovny arrives in town for a convention and is shown around by a local.

Reactions and Reviews

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