Playing Goddess

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Title: Playing Goddess
Author(s): Shalimar
Date(s): 1996
Length: 29K
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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Playing Goddess is an X-Files story by Shalimar.

It was the winner of several Spooky Awards.

The Value of Feedback and Pimping

From a 1997 discussion on, Summer Review:

If a reader thinks a story isn't getting as much attention or appreciation as it deserves, the obvious solution is to tell everyone about it! If a well-written, enjoyable story seems to have passed through the newsgroup without due notice, then *post* a followup article here telling everyone else how much you enjoyed it and encouraging more readers to look for it. Otherwise, if the rest of us did somehow miss it inadvertently (which is far more likely than our ignoring it intentionally), how will we ever know? I remember how dismayed I was by the fact that "Playing Goddess" hadn't received *any* feedback on the newsgroup for over a week after it was first posted (sometime in 1996). Could it be that no one else liked it? (impossible!) Or that they had *missed* it? (unthinkable!) Clearly, the best way to rectify the situation was to post an article exclaiming over how utterly wonderful this story was. Sure enough, as soon as I did, other posts in praise of "Playing Goddess" came pouring in. Far from being unwelcome or unappreciated, all that was needed to inspire a flood of positive feedback for this seemingly overlooked story was for someone (in this case, me -- an all-too-rare occurrence) to finally get motivated enough to *post* something about it here. -- post by Pamela

Reactions and Reviews

Playing Goddess by Shalimar is an amazing camping story. [1]

It's the perfect Mulder/Scully story. Shalimar is one of the best authors I've had the pleasure of reading their work. It's just so..... Mulder and Scully. [2]

This is one of my favorite stories. It was the first Fanfic I ever read and I have been hooked since then. It is wonderful mind candy without being too smutty. This is romanticism at its best. Mulder and Scully go camping and eat s'mores. oh ,they do a little skinny-dipping too! [3]

Mulder and Scully are decidedly uncharacteristic in this story , yet it remains both captivating and enchantingly well written. I highly recommend it. [4]
