Pizza And A Movie

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Title: Pizza And A Movie
Author(s): Closer
Date(s): First posted: 2011-08-31
Length: 30117 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Suits
External Links: read on AO3
Cover art by uncredited artist, used on Goodreads

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Pizza And A Movie is a Mike/Harvey AU by Closer. It was originally written as a fill to a prompt[1] at the Suits Meme, and later it was posted to AO3.

The story is part of a series called Pizza-Verse. It's told from Mike's POV. The other two parts of the series are companion pieces: The Secret Life Of Lawyers (Events told from Donna's POV), and A Series Of Covert Disasters (same events told from Harvey's POV).


In an alternate universe, Harvey's still a lawyer but Mike's not a pot runner -- he's a deliveryman for Rollo's Pizza and Ribs, which happens to be Harvey's favorite pizza place. Once Harvey finds out his pizza guy is a genius, Mike's life takes a few turns he would not have expected...


Ahh this was a thoroughly satisfying read thank you! As an aside, though, I totally thought that the 'People will say we're in love.' quote was from Oklahoma!, since I guess I'm that much of a musical theatre dork. But hey, Silence of the Lambs makes so much more sense, in context :)[2]

I had a feeling I was going to love this from the moment I saw the dorky movie quotes tag and it did not disappoint!! It's a fascinating and so well executed AU premise.

The pacing and slow build of their relationship was perfect, all the banter, how they genuinely become such good friends. Great character voices, even the OCs, everyone was really well written.

Witty and interesting and sweet and a lot of fun to read and a story I know I will enjoy reading again![3]

I've read this before, and this is just as amazing a ride coming back to it! They have such a balanced relationship in this, far more than in the show, even though they start on more uneven footing, and you've handled that so deftly! Just a delight to read this, thank you! Definitely one of my favourite stories![4]

I loved this. For once it was nice to have something where they started out friends first- so many fics seem to go for the sex then feelings, I found this far more realistic, and the au background tied in wonderfully with the canon. (Also, I have a thing for couples who cuddle and watch films together.) Adorable, wonderful, and kept me hooked throughout the whole thing. Thank you very much for writing it.[5]

Love it, love it, love it. The transition from pizza boy to consultant was really well-done. It would've been easy to totally botch it up but you managed to make it feel natural and believable Also really enjoyed the slow build in general. I would've, perhaps, preferred some of the events between chapter 14 and 15 to be examined a bit more closely but that's just a typical case of wanting a good story to go on forever and I get that one just has to draw a line somewhere. So yeah, great story! Thanks so much for writing it :).[6]


  1. ^ original prompt, accessed November 15th 2015
  2. ^ review, accessed November 15th 2015
  3. ^ review, accessed November 15th 2015
  4. ^ review, accessed November 15th 2015
  5. ^ review, accessed November 15th 2015
  6. ^ review, accessed November 15th 2015