Penance (X-Files story)

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Title: Penance
Author(s): Zoe Takahashi
Date(s): 18 June 2004 - 04 October 2005
Length: 30,740 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Penance (LZL Slash Factory)
Penance by Zoe.png

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Penance is a Mulder/Krycek story by Zoe Takahashi. It's unfinished.

warning: very dark, violence, physical, mental and emotional abuse and/or torture, disturbing thoughts and images please proceed cautiously!
rating: nc-17 for male/male sex and extreme violence
author note: this is not a nice story. alex is a criminal and mulder is cruel. please do not read this if you expect love and happy endings
spoilers: canon through season five
thanks: helen & ursula for great, super-fast beta help. alex for helping me get past the first chapter. lorelei for being the voice that kept me going


  • Chapter 1: Agony - Krycek seeks redemption
  • Chapter 2: Anguish - Can Alex live with the consequences of getting what he needs?
  • Chapter 3: Angst - Mulder gives Krycek an ultimatum
  • Chapter 4: Abjuration - Can Krycek handle the requirements of his deal with Mulder?
  • Chapter 5: Abeyance - Can Mulder and Krycek get through the aftermath and to the next test?
  • Chapter 6: Anamnesis - The final test for Krycek, but it may be more than he can handle.
  • Chapter 7: Abandon - The inevitable conclusion.
  • Chapter 8: Aftermath
  • Chapter 9: Account

Recs and Reviews

M/K This is wrong on so many wonderful twisted levels. If you think that evil in a relationship makes for good fic, read now. I know it`s a wip, but it`s so worth it. Krycek is screwed up and luckily for him Mulder is just as screwed up. Together they fit together perfectly in a relationship so wrong you have to read it to believe it.[1]


  1. ^ LilyCharlotte. The Blanketfort's Fic Rec Page: X-Files. (Accessed 03 April 2015)