Pascal's Wager

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Title: Pascal's Wager
Author(s): prufrock's love
Date(s): September 2000
Length: 157K
Genre(s): MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here and here

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Pascal's Wager is an X-Files story by prufrock's love.

Author's Summary

"Keywords: Long story, MSR, Light Angst, Post-Requiem, Mytharc

Skinner head check: Intact - fully functioning and attached at the end of the story. Possibly smiling.

Spoilers: through Requiem."

Reactions and Reviews


Not quite as depressing as Promises to Keep, but pretty close. And yay, Scully is breastfeeding, so when the end of the world comes and she's on the run, she doesn't have to stop to stock up on formula! <g> [1]


Though prufrock's love is perhaps best known for her historical AUs, I actually prefer her post-col and myth-arc stories. This myth-arc heavy fic is not canon compliant, so if you are the sort of reader who gets freaked out because Scully has a baby girl and it's not Mulder's kid, you may not enjoy this. But if you like a well-constructed, exciting, fast-moving drama, with an emotionally satisfying resolution, snappy dialogue, and a great first person Mulder POV, I would at least give it a try. I think her summary gives a good idea of what you can expect without giving too much away.

Mulder is returned: to Scully, to a new baby, and to vivid nightmares of his role in the future. A love story of Elvis' revenge, baseball, babies' toes, hitchhiking the galaxy, aliens, hard science, and a little faith. Star Trek, Tigger baggage, old shirts, new beginnings, and the end of the world as we know it. And Jack Nicholson.

Yep. That pretty much covers it.

The revised stories she's posted to Gossamer should be read there, since they're the most current versions, plus there's an email address now. The geocities (now reocities) website is no longer being updated, but the fic is still (mostly) available. [2]
