Paradox Illusion

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Title: Paradox Illusion
Author(s): Christine Wirick
Date(s): 07 Feb 1997
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
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Paradox Illusion is a gen Quantum Leap story written by Christine Wirick.

It was posted to in 1997.


Reactions and Reviews

Another BIG story....and what a story! Sam leaps into a psychic called Patrick Marland and learns to develop his own latent abilities, whilst dealing with ghosts, the current owners AND falling in love. For only the second time in all the QL fiction I've read off the net, Sam gets to do more than just kiss the woman goodnight. (I more than make up for that in my fiction, but that's another story). Sam nearly gets killed (beaten up and left hanging from the bannister rail by a sheet...oh, poor lamb). There's lots of 'instruction' in realising psychic potential and talk of Divine help.

Just don't go into this stuff carelessly, please. The dangers of opening up your mind are stressed in the could let anything/anyone in if you're unprepared. As indeed, one of the ghosts did and BOY, did he let the wrong character wreck his life and afterlife. I won't reveal the identity, but hints are dropped from pretty early on, so it's not really a surprise when SHE turns up. Sam can cook meatloaf and potatoes and enjoys taking long, hot baths with aromatherapy oils (volunteers to scrub his back over here, please). After the leap-out, Sam goes to some really Weird Alternative Realities, including one where he's in a harem, in bed with the 'sultan' and wearing a see-through pink nightie. Er, Scott.....?!? (I know this sounds hysterically funny, but actually it goes serious very fast, with someone about to get broken on the wheel in the worst way imaginable). Apparently photos of other people can 'trigger a severe psychic charge'. Uh-huh. And I thought it was only drooling. No, I know what they mean....I'm interested in all of these sorts of things, and the idea of someone choosing to sacrifice themselves over and over voluntarily is unspeakably powerful.

If you enjoy thinking about psychic issues, including psychic links across space and time (yup, I can go with that, can I link up with him now, please?) then you'll enjoy this story as much as I did.[1]


  1. ^ Fanfic reviews? by Philippa Chapman (August 20, 1998)