Paracelsus (X-Files story)

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You may be looking for the Beauty and the Beast (TV) character, Paracelsus.

Title: Paracelsus
Author(s): prufrock's love
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: part one; part two; part three; part four

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Paracelsus is an X-Files story by prufrock's love.

Reactions and Reviews


... I just read Paracelsus and Oh. My. God. It was fabulous. I really wasn't interested in an AU fic but a friend reced it so I went ahead and read it and I'd say that even though it was AU, I felt it had the essence of M&S so well ingrained that that's what I was interested. Them as people not just them as they relate to the world of conspiracy. Why do people write them? I'm sure built in audience and also just wanting to explore M&S in a different setting because I think we all find them fascinating as people not just FBI agents and would like to venture into what they would be like in scenario B, C, or D. :) [1]


"Paracelcus" by Prufrock's Love is simply brilliant. The writing is outstanding.

It's not the type of fic that I'm typically inclined to read. However, it is extremely well done. It's an AU fic set back in the time of the Civil War.

Okay, I will admit, that I didn't care for the ending... but still, it's worth the read. [2]

I have also read Paracelcus and thought it was wonderful. A little wordy and drawn out, especially at the end, but very much so worth the read. Prufrock really captures both characters and spins a web that is both believable and fascinating. [3]


Hiraeth sets Mulder and Scully back in North Wales in 1215, Paracelsus sets them in the Georgia low country during the Civil War, and A Moment in the Sun in New York in the mid-1950s. And it works. The stories are all rich and detailed and feel so accurate and perfect. I go back and read them again and again. If historical AU isn't your thing, but angst is, poke around some of the other stories and you should find something that'll brighten your day (The Darkest Hour, especially). [4]


My understanding of prufrock’s love’s historical romances is that they are all about previous incarnations of Mulder and Scully; however, I have never been in a position to confirm this. I confess that I am not a fan of the genre so these fics are not huge favorites of mine, but they are very well done and wildly popular, especially “Paracelsus,” the novel set during the Civil War. Her take on the characters has nothing to do with Sullivan Biddle et al. I guess that means “Paracelsus” is her fixit fic for TFWID. “Paracelsus” is the second novel in the cycle. The first is “Hiraeth,” which is set in North Wales in 1215. The third is “A Moment in the Sun,” set in New York, New York in 1953, and it’s my favorite of the three.[5]


  1. ^ Spooky2u2 at, June 2003
  2. ^ comment by by JeSouhaite at X-Files Universe Forum, April 2007
  3. ^ comment by by Quest at X-Files Universe Forum, May 2007
  4. ^ Multifandom Het Recs, September 2009
  5. ^ 201 Days of The X-Files, Archived version