Ouroboros (Life is Strange story)

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Title: Ouroboros
Author(s): TomorrowHeart
Date(s): 2015 - 2020
Length: 559,279 words
Genre(s): Femslash
Fandom(s): Life is Strange
External Links: FFN

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Ouroboros is a Life is Strange fic by TomorrowHeart focused on the pairing of Max Caulfield/Chloe Price. It is well known within the fandom not just for the characterization and story elements, but its prodigious length.


When Chloe convinces Max to make things right, something strange happens, resulting in a new beginning and a chance at a life together. With everything seemingly "fixed," the two are ready to live normal lives. Lots of fluffy "Adventures of Max and Chloe with friends" with a bit of "dealing with things" thrown in.

Reactions and Reviews

First of all I want to say, I started this fic so late... I thought it was like the "ultimate fic", I mean, after reading it I would feel fulfilled and stop reading. And ... I wasn't entirely wrong, it became my favourite fic (tied with A new beginning) very quickly, around chapter 2-3. But I still want to read, because I'm not ready to leave the LiS fandom yet.

Ouro has a perfect mix of angst, fluff, humor and it's not focused solely on Max and Chloe. I love the side characters and how they are treated, David has a wonderful arc, Kate and Victoria and so cute, Warren is funny and many more. The side characters are what makes this story special, just as much as the beautiful and awesome pricefield relationship.

The thing I like the most about Ouro is probably the "time-dreams" Chloe has... It's such an excellent idea on how to tell Chloe was Max had to live through during this week and it is often the start of a beautiful thing (chapter 31 ;) ). Really those time dreams are one of the greatest idea I've encountered in any books I've read, or any fics.[1]

This is a Public Service Announcement Read Ouroboros by TomorrowHeart. Do it. It's amazing, it's literally the best thing I've ever read. You will cry, and you'll love it.[2]

This story gives you all the Arcadia Bay your heart desires. The characters feel very much like the ones from the game. Lots of good music references.[3]

Dude you are! I’ve read Ouroboros 4 times now, it’s some of the best writing across any medium or genre I’ve ever read, can’t get enough and can’t wait for the next chapter![4]

i haven't read play crack the sky but reading ouroboros in its entirety (well, what we have as for now) was quite literally my biggest accomplishment ever 😭[5]

Inspired Fanworks



  1. ^ "[All] Ouroboros. Daily fanfic #100". Archived from the original on 2024-02-07.
  2. ^ "Jan 3, 2020 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2024-02-07.
  3. ^ "Sept 27, 2019 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2024-02-07.
  4. ^ "June 28, 2018 tweet". Archived from the original on 2024-02-07.
  5. ^ "Aug 18, 2022 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2024-02-07.