One Day Out West

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Title: One Day Out West
Author(s): Sorrorojo
Date(s): 2003 or before
Length: 934kb (long!)
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1/Magnificent Seven
External Links: it used to be here. And the whole series can be found on AO3 here

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One Day Out West is a Stargate SG-1/Magnificent Seven story by Zorrorojo.

One of the pairings is Chris/Vin.

Reactions and Reviews

CROSSOVER with The Magnificent Seven. The Magnificent Seven are kidnapped in the middle of a deadly gunfight by a rogue Asgard to be held in stasis as a living "work of art" - and are rescued over 100 years later and returned to Earth. The Stargate team have the unenviable job of breakig the news to the guys and trying to find a new place for them in the modern world.

The last group was a group of three and they were behind the better cover of some boulders, but they were firing at a position behind them. The men looked trapped and were probably making a last stand.

Dr. Daniel Jackson moved closer to the forcefield, closer to the group of four trying to find cover for their exposed bodies. All but one. One man, dressed in black from head to toe, brandishing six shooters, wearing a silver rig and spurs on his boots, this man used his body to shield a man on the ground.

The one on the ground was a ghastly grey color - a color human skin only took on when there wasn't much blood left in the body. His eyes were open, staring into the eyes of the man shielding him, their arms clasped at the forearm.

A bullet, frozen in the air, was two feet from completing it's course - ominously pointing straight at the man in black's head.

This story is HUGE but fascinating. I really enjoyed the way the author dealt with the cultural shock encountered by both the cowboys and the Stargate crew. The emphasis is definitely on the Magnificent Seven side of the crossover, especially Chris and Vin, with Jack and Daniel the only Stargate characters to get any sort of real role in the story. The story is told from mostly frm Chris' pov, a Chris that idolises Vin to the exclusion of everything else and this focus is reflected in the concerns of the story -- so if you're not into Vin, you might find this idealisation of him a little tough. However, this story is a wonderful read: intelligent, interesting, and thought-provoking.[1]
