On the Road

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Title: On the Road
Author(s): Sarah Irene
Date(s): 2008-
Length: 70 chapters
Genre(s): incest comedy
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: On the Road, Life With Divapants and Divapants Short Story Specials

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On the Road is a Hanson fanfic written by Sarah Irene.

In this story, Taylor and Zac aren't related. Instead, Taylor is a musician and Zac is hired to be part of his crew during a tour. The story is told from Zac's point of view as he learns to deal with, and eventually love, the dramatic musician he nicknames "Divapants."

An unfinished sequel was published a year later, making it only as far as nineteen chapters. Sarah Irene has also written a few oneshots showing different moments from their relationship.

Reactions and Reviews

seriously - divapants is my idol![1]

I’m a total DP convert - as you know very well I didn’t think it would be ‘my’ kind of story and then I got totally hooked. Now I see DP everywhere....in other people’s stories...in my story......it’s just so funny and sharp and it should be made into a movie dammit!!!! arhhhgghghgh[2]
