Oklahoma Living

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Title: Oklahoma Living
Author(s): Miss Dodger Blue
Date(s): 2004-2007
Length: 40 chapters
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: freewebs.com/blueyonderdreams

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Oklahoma Living is a Hanson fanfic written by Miss Dodger Blue.

The story is about a girl who grew up best friends with the Hanson brothers and who begins dating Taylor later in their teen years. The relationship has its ups and downs, and she begins sleeping with Zac behind his back.

California Living

The sequel, which covers much of the same ground, but with a new setting. Trish is now in college and the band has relocated to California to record their next album.

Eventually, Miss Dodger Blue abandoned this sequel, but posted the epilogue so that readers would know which brother Trish ended up with.

Lost Chapters

Miss Dodger Blue posted a handful of lost chapters, including one that detailed how Trish and Zac lost their virginity to each other years before she began dating Taylor.

Reactions and Reviews

From reviews by Bethany on PlaceToHide.net:[1][2]

Even after the last chapter, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Miss Dodger Blue’s execution. There was something that I liked about it, but I can’t quite put my finger on what. Was it the handful of humorous scenes, such as Taylor wearing a hot pink bra? Was it the surprising emotional depth of one or two scenes? I don’t know. I’m not on the edge of my seat for the next story, but I’m also not slamming my laptop shut and wishing I’d never read the first.

I understand that it’s difficult to end a story you’ve fallen out of love with over the course of a few years. I don’t mean to belittle the struggle that Miss Dodger Blue must have gone through. I just feel that she could have done a much better job providing a satisfying ending, since she obviously did at least try to provide some ending.


California Living won awards in the Fools Banquet Awards. The two stories are featured in the PlaceToHide.net hall of fame.
