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Title: Novena
Author(s): Susan James
Date(s): 2006
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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Novena is a slash Starsky & Hutch story by Susan James. It was originally in teh zine Blood and Destiny.

The story is told from an original female character's point of view. In it, Hutch has become hooked on heroin again, and has left Starsky, knowing he will be unable to pass a drug test and remain his partner.


"Hutch answered on the first knock, wearing old jeans and no shirt. He smelled of scotch and sweat and cigarettes. I could see the new needle marks on his left arm, the lit candle on the night table, the spoonful of smack beside it. I was suddenly glad I’d made Starsky wait in my room; he didn’t need to see this. The candle was burnt down and sputtering, and I got the feeling maybe Hutch had been looking for a reason not to do it."

Reactions and Reviews

It's hard to describe exactly what makes Susan's fiction so good. The best way I can put it is that she has a light touch. She always seems to find the exactly right word for her descriptions and her understanding of emotions. Her stories for Kassidy's zine Blood and Destiny are prime examples. Novena is a story that I personally think with some name changes could be published professionally - it's that good as character study. [1]
