Not Dead Yet

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Title: Not Dead Yet
Author(s): Helen Patrick
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Not Dead Yet is a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Helen Patrick.

It was published in Fire and Ice #9.

Reactions and Reviews

"Not Dead Yet" by Helen Patrick is a strange PGP A/B story where the sex between the two men isn't exactly normal. But by abnormal, I mean it's because one of them is unable to function properly any more. This is not a kinky story.[1]

Another strange PGP where Avon has erectile dysfunction due to trauma but is still in a loving relationship with Blake. Then he almost gets raped, which for some reason makes Blake think Avon isn't that into him and that he should consequently throw him out. Which is a plot-point I can't make sense of.[2]
