No Dominion

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Title: No Dominion
Author(s): Maayan
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Farscape
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No Dominion is a Farscape story by Maayan.

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The crew of Moya find a planet with the necessary properties to heal an ailing Zhaan, but things do not go smoothly (well, of course not, this is _Farscape_!), as John gets rather violently caught up in the local politics. Lots and lots of John-angst. Concentrates mainly (and did I mention angstily?) on John and his relationship with Aeryn, but although the other characters play a much smaller part, they're all very well written. Good plot, too. Warning: The author's rated this one R for "violence, language, and sexual situations," but I don't remember there being anything really explicit in it. Spoilers through early in the second season, especially for "Season of Death.[1]


  1. ^ Betty R at Gen Fic Crit, February 2002