Nine Eleven Ten

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Title: Nine Eleven Ten
Author(s): Subtilior
Date(s): 12 September 2011 - present
Length: 621,112 up to part (45/68)
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, dystopia, AU
Fandom(s): X-Men: First Class
External Links: Nine Eleven Ten (AO3)
Fanfic cover by Sandeyes (2012). One of the many pieces of fanart inspired by this story.

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Nine Eleven Ten is a Charles/Erik story by Subtilior, written for a 1stclass_kink prompt. As of 2016, it's still a WIP, with the most recent chapter posted in 2015.

The story has inspired an incredible amount of fanart[1] and some discussion.[2]


Years later, Charles would remember that day. Sometimes he would wonder if he could have changed anything; other times he would despair over what he had since become. But he would always hold the image in his mind: Raven, laughing, and his thoughts flying alongside her on strong wings, silver-gold through the winter air. Once upon a time.

Recs and Reviews

Probably the most popular fic in the entire fandom, you need to read it a) to acclimate yourself to what kind of people you’re going to be associating with b) people judge you if you haven’t read it and c) to realize the extent of world building that can done with a premise such as X-Men: First Class, or Marvel Fandom if you want to be really broad."[3]

I have major issues with a lot of it, but other parts of it nail my id to a tree. It's deeply flawed, but I always find myself re-reading it and thinking about it once it's over. If I ever wrote fanfic-of-a-fanfic, it'd probably be fix-it fic for all the problems I have with the original (which is what fanfic really is, isn't it?), and I think that says a lot about how compelling and engrossing the fic itself really is.[4]

I can absolutely second Nine Eleven Ten. I read half of it a year ago, reading for multiple hours a day but had to stop because it was genuinely interfering with my exams. I literally went on a few rants to my friends about how brilliant certain plot points/characterisations were even though they did not care. I'll reread it all the way through this summer - it is definitely up there in my top 5 fics ever and I've been reading fanfic since I was 13.[5]

I gotta say it's probably Nine Eleven Ten by Subtilior. It's a darkfic and it's really epic, and worth reading even though it's unfinished. It's got such an intricate, cohesive plot; amazing world building; a perfect mix of darkness and angst and drama with some dark humour; and just beautiful interpretations of the characters. Truly writing goals![6]

