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Title: Nightrun
Author(s): Joy Maricevic
Date(s): 1980
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Nightrun is a gen Starsky & Hutch story by Joy Maricevic.

It was published in the zine Zebra Three #5.


"Hutch is personally involved in a murder case that is lost in court. He angrily leaves the sentencing, and Starsky goes after him."

From the Zine's Editorial

Regarding a sequel to "Nightrun": The author says there will be a sequel called “Riders on the Storm” that will appear in Me and Thee:

It more or less takes off where ‘Nightrun’ left off. Although the events of ‘Nightrun’ most certainly figure into the ‘Riders on the Storm,’ they didn’t fit into the telling properly. So, rather than cheat all of you by having us present a series of fuzzy flashbacks, I thought I’d bring you the who thing in vignette form, and Zebra Three was kind enough to print it. That’s why ‘Nightrun’ reads the way it does – it’s an isolated incident that has not yet been resolved, but will be later. There is no ending. If you wanna find out what happens in the desert, ya gotta read the next part.

Reactions and Reviews

Of the good stuff, ‘Nightrun’ was almost brilliant, but it crumbled off abruptly near the end: Hutch is personally involved in a murder case that is frustratingly lost in court; he slams out of the sentencing ready to spit tacks at the abuse he’s had on the case, Starsky runs after to keep his friend’s fury in line – and they plan to go on vacation sometime, the end. An excellent first half of a story, but we were set up for more on an ending than was supplied. [1]


  1. ^ from S and H #12